11 Oct 2020

The Laugh Track - Emma Wollum

From Standing Room Only, 2:06 pm on 11 October 2020
Emma Wollum

Emma Wollum Photo: supplied

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Photo: supplied

On the Laugh Track over the years we've run the gamut of funny-haha, funny-peculiar and funny-what are they thinking of?  Today's guest may very well cover all of the above.

The multi-talented Emma Wollum has ben inspired by the classic TV series Star Trek.  And among that show's many gifts to the world was the language of Klingon.  Yes, it's a real thing, and many people speak it fluently apparently.  But do they sing it?

Emma is about to launch Klingalong: The Constructed Language Singalong at the Whangarei Fringe Festival, and she sings a few of the hits of the show for Lynn Freeman.  In addition she sings in Dothraki, from Game of Thrones, and Quenya the Elvish tongue in Lord of the Rings.   

And this week you can hear the whole thing in a rare episode of the Laugh Track we're allowed to put up online.