This Way Up for Saturday 17 April 2010
Self-shearing sheep
In some parts of the world the wool market's tanking. So rather than spending money shearing sheep, Englishman Peter Baber's breeding some that moult instead.
Polaroid revival
In 2007 Polaroid stopped making its massively popular instant cameras and then the film that went inside. Marlene Kelnreiter of the Impossible Project on its attempt to bring it back to life.
Landfill deodorant
Jonathan Watts lives in Beijing where illegal rubbish dumping means city authorities are looking at giant deodorant sprays to freshen things up.
Telstra Clear browsing problems
Some of Telstra Clear's 300,000 internet customers have been having problems downloading videos from YouTube. We find out what's going on with Geekzone blogger Mauricio Freitas and John Bone, Telstra Clear's Head of Customer Experience.
ACTA and the history of IP piracy
Adrian Johns has been studying the history of intellectual property rights from the Middle Ages to the present day.