25 May 2024

Pasi Vainikka: The next step in the food revolution

From Saturday Morning, 10:05 am on 25 May 2024
Breakfast containing solein - protein powder made from 'thin air'.

Breakfast containing solein - protein powder made from 'thin air'. Photo: Solar Foods

Creating food from 'thin air' sounds like a futuristic dream.

But it's a future that's already arrived in the form of Solar Foods - Europe's first factory dedicated to making human food from electricity and air. What started with hydrogen oxidising microbes has resulted in Solein - a non-farmed yellowish protein product.

After several years of lab experiments, production is underway in Vantaa, near the Finnish capital of Helsinki. The goal? To produce 160 tonnes of food a year.

Solar Foods co-founder and chief executive Pasi Vainikka says Solein is a crucial next step in the food revolution.