Music 101 for Saturday 22 October 2011
2 -3pm
O Brother Where Art Thou?
We mark the 10th anniversary of the film soundtrack O Brother Where Art Thou?, which revitalised Bluegrass and Mountain music for the 21st century.
Unfaithful Ways
Lyttelton band The Unfaithful Ways have just released their debut L.P. Free Rein. We talk to singer Marlon Williams about his love of Northern Carolinian country music and the holes in his shoes.
The Sampler: Ryan Adams
Nick Bollinger assesses the new album from alt-country icon Ryan Adams.
3 - 4pm
Jordan Reyne
The NZ industrial-folk musician based in London talks about finding a supportive fan-base in the online game Second Life; weaving her family history into song, and her new album Children Of A Factory Nation. (Jordan pictured left, as avatar)
We speak to instrumental post-metal band Kerretta, who have been blasting audiences from here to the U.S. for the past six years. Their latest release Saansilo s gathering great reviews from European press.
Introducing: SinSin
The new project from Motocade's Geordie McCallum
Gig Guide
4 - 5pm
We join singer-songwriter samRB (pictured below) busking on Queen Street, Auckland for a chat about the connections she makes on the streets, and her debut album Seems I Might Be Human.
Live: Tono and the Finance Company in session
Live in session at Roundhead studio, Dunedin-raised Anthonie Tonnon (Tono) performs an Auckland-centric set of songs about Herne Bay landlords; K-Road bar-hopping; and writing break-up songs in Grey Lynn… with nods along the way to Hamilton, disagreeing with David Bowie and - of course - a little economic theory. Tono is joined in the studio by Lisa Crawley and Graham Panther.
Tono, live at Roundhead.
Music played in this show
Artist: John Hartford
Song: I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow
Composer: trad
Album: O Brother Where Art Thou
Label: Lost Highway
O Brother Where Art Thou package
Artist: The Kossoy Sisters
Song: I’ll Fly Away
Composer: Brumley
Album: O Brother Where Art Thou
Label: Lost Highway
Artist: – John Hartford
Song: Indian War Whoop
Composer: Ming
Album: O Brother Where Art Thou
Label: Lost Highway
Artist: Ralph Stanley
Song: O Death
Composer: trad
Album: O Brother Where Art Thou
Label: Lost Highway
Artist: Soggy Bottom Boys
Song: I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow
Composer: trad
Album: O Brother Where Art Thou
Label: Lost Highway
Artist: Lee Hazlewood & Ann-Margret
Song: Greyhound Bus Depot
Composer: George
Album: The Cowboy And The Lady
Label: Smells Like Records
The Unfaithful Ways interview
Artist: The Unfaithful Ways
Song: Katie My Darling, Restless and Ready
Composer: Marlon Williams
Album: Free Rein
Label: Aeroplane
Artist: the Unfaithful Ways
Song: Yesterday I Loved You But Today I Just Don’t Care
Composer: Marlon Williams
Album: n/a
Label: Radio New Zealand recording
Artist: Ralph Stanley with Hal Ketchum
Song: How Mountains Girls Can Love
Composer: Ruby Rakes
Album: Ralph Stanley and Friends
Label: Rebel
Artist: Ralph Stanley with George Jones
Song: The Window Up Above
Composer: George Jones
Album: Ralph Stanley and Friends
Label: Rebel
Artist: Hank III
Song: Drinkin’ Ain’t Hard To Do,Tore Up And Loud,#5
Composer: Hank Williams III
Album: Rebel Within
Label: Sidewalk
Artist:John The Baptist
Song: Hawkin Stomp
Composer: John The Baptist
Album: The Great Mountain Haul EP
Label: Private
Artist: Wilco
Song: I Might
Composer: J Tweedy
Album: The Whole Love
Label: Anti
The Sampler: Ryan Adams
Artist: Ryan Adams
Songs: Ashes and Fire, Save Me, I Love You But I Don’t Know What To Say, Rocks, Dirty Rain
Composer: Ryan Adams
Album: Ashes and Fire
Label: Pax-Am
Song: Resurrection
Composer: Megafaun
Album: Megafaun
Label: Crammed Discs
Artist: Blitzen Trapper
Song: My Home Town
Composer: E Early
Album: American Goldwing
Label: Subpop
Artist: Wires and Wood
Song: Nashville Skyline Rag
Composer: Dylan
Album: Over The Moon
Label: Private
Artist: Kraftwerk
Song: Computer World
Composer: Bartos, Hütter, Schneider
Album: Minimum Maximum
Label: Kling Klang
The Sampler: Jordan Reyne
Artist: Jordan Reyne
Songs: Factory Nation, A Hard Game, Johnny and the Sea, Heavenly Creatures, A Woman Scorned, Wait
Composer: Jordan Reyne
Album: Children Of A Factory Nation
Label: Chezz
Artist: Suzanne Vega
Songs: Solitaire
Composer: S Vega
Album: Close Up Vol 3: States Of Being
Label: Shock
Artist: M83
Song: Midnight City
Composer: A Gonzales
Album: Hurry Up We're Dreaming
Label: Mute
Artist: Mogwai feat. Roky Erickson
Song: Devil Rides
Composer: Mogwai/R Erickson
Album: Bat Cat EP
Label: Spunk
Kerretta Interview
Artist: Kerretta
Songs: A Ways To Uprise, Bloodlines, Halls To Wherever, Kept From The Brilliance Of The outer World
Composer: H. Walker, W. Waters, D. Holmes
Album: Saansilo
Label: Golden Antenna
Introducing: SinSin
Artist: SinSin
Song: Sorry But I'm Falling Down Again
Composer: G McCallum, E Rosenburg
Album: Layers EP
Label: Frequency Media
Artist: Onanon
Song: Axolotl
Composer: Onanon
Album: Bad Vibrations Ep
Label: Private
Artist: Dum Dum Girls
Song: Always Looking
Composer: Dee Dee
Album: Only In Dreams
Label: Subpop
Gig Guide Bed
Artist: The Sisters Of Mercy
Song: Never Land (A Fragment)
Composer: A Eldritch
Album: Floodland
Label: Rhino
Artist: The Damned
Song: Smash It Up (Part 2)
Composer: The Damned
Album: Anthology
Label: Castle
Artist: The Exponents
Song: Summer You Never Meant (instrumental)
Composer: The Exponents
Album: La La Lulu single
Label: Warner
Artist: Ladi6
Song: BangBang
Composer: Tamati/Park/Dyne
Album: The Liberation Of
Label: Ladi6
Artist: God Bows To Math
Song: Go Team Punx
Composer: God Bows To Math
Album: Solar Lights Don't Work at Night
Label: Muzai
Artist: Glass Vaults
Song: Gold Star
Composer: R Larsen/R Pierce
Album: Into Gold
Label: Private
Artist: The Gremlins
Song: Ballad Of A Busker
Composer: Tucker
Album: Blast Off 1965-68
Label: EMI
samRB Interview
Artist: samRB
Song: Seems I Might Be Human, I Choose You, Life Has Just Begun, Recommended Viewing
Composer: Sam RB Hanna
Album: Seems I Might Be Human
Label: Private
Tono & the Finance Company live in session
Artist: Tono & the Finance Company
Song: Marian Bates Realty, Disagreement with David Bowie Over the Song ‘All The Young Dudes’, Timing, Tim, Barry Smith of Hamilton *
Composer: Anthonie Tonnon
Album: Unreleased
Label: live session
Artist: David Bowie
Song: All The Young Dudes
Composer: D Bowie
Album: Ziggy Stardust the Motion Picture
Label: RCA
Artist: Mulchzoid
Song: Punch Drunk Giddy
Composer: D Mulchahy
Album: Neck
Label: Private
Artist: Maia Vidal
Song: The Waltz of the Tick Tock of Time
Composer: M Vidal
Album: God Is My Bike
Label: Crammed
Artist: Charlotte Gainsbourg
Song: Voyage
Composer: C Gainsbourg
Album: IRM
Label: Because
Artist: Offshore
Song: Pacer
Composer: Offshore
Album: Pacer
Label: Big