1:10 Best Song Ever Written -  Lila Richards of Auckland nominated St Louis Blues by Lavern Baker.

1:15 8 Months To Mars -  Rose Matafeo

ARTIST:    Nat King Cole
TITLE:        I Miss You So
COMP:    Not Stated
ALBUM:    Nat King Cole Collection Vol 6
LABEL:    iTunes

ARTIST:    Kenny Loggins
TITLE:        This Is It
COMP:    Kenny Loggins, Michael McDonald
ALBUM:    The Essential Kenny Loggins
LABEL:    iTunes

ARTIST:   Archie Bell & The Drells
TITLE:     Tighten Up
COMP:    Archie Bell, Billy Buttier
ALBUM:  Tighten Up
LABEL:    iTunes

2:10 Kaibosh - Matt Dagger
A project that stops food from going to waste every day in Wellington has won the supreme accolade at the 2012 Trustpower Community Awards this year. 'Kaibosh' is a network of volunteers who pick up, store and redistribute food that would otherwise be thrown out every day in the Capital. It's been up and running since 2008, and as well as the Trustpower award, they've just celebrated their 100,000 kilo milestone.

2:20 The Theft of Charlie Chaplin's Body - Mike Lanchin of BBC Witness
It's 35 years since the body of the legendary silent film star Charlie Chaplin was stolen from a small cemetery near the Swiss city of Lausanne. The thieves demanded more than half a million dollars from the actor's family for its safe return.
Mike Lanchin, of BBC Witness, speaks to one of the men who helped track the grave robbers down.

2:30 Reading - Don Langridge reads Eggs for Easter by Barabara Anderson.

2:45 Feature Album - Pink Floyd's 'The Dark Side of the Moon'.

3:10 Feature Author -  Michael Morpurgo - author of War Horse - In 1982, a 176 page children's book was published with little fanfare and moderate sales. War Horse, charming and well-written everyone agreed, about a young farm boy and his horse during World War 1. It was nominated for a Whitbread Award, but didn't win.
Teacher turned author, Michael Morpurgo kept writing stories, lots of stories about war, or football or friendship, many with animals in: stories set in remote locations as well, like Africa and Afghanistan.
120 books later,  Michael Morpurgo is now one of Britain's most cherished children's book authors.  War Horse didn't become a best seller until a London theatre director turned it into a stage show in 2007, using puppets for horses, and Steven Speilberg made the Best Picture nominated film.

3:35 Antarctic Voyage - Veronika Meduna - Three summers ago, a massive iceberg broke off the tongue of the Mertz Glacier in Antarctica, triggering changes to sea ice conditions in the region.
This area is one of three important places around the frozen continent where heavy and salty seawater is produced - and as it sinks to the bottom it kicks off global ocean currents.
NIWA's research vessel Tangaroa just returned from a six-week voyage to the area, and Veronika Meduna meets oceanographer Mike Williams and marine geologist Helen Bostock to find out what impact the changes have had.

4:06 On The Panel today, Mark Inglis and Matt Nippert. Len Brown meets Nick Smith over the future growth of Auckland. How much should be out and how much should be up? The safety of the genetically-modified food ingredients in our chocolate and margarine. Carols Santana's thoughts on what kills rock stars. The seemingly short preventive detention terms, and when is a charity not a charity? When is charitable giving not as charitable as you want it to be for your money, as that money goes into funding mainly a nice corporate base.