17 Mar 2021

Cannabis, euthanasisa, and election 2020 part of Parliament election inquiry

From the collecton The House On Demand

After an election, Parliament launches an inquiry into how it all went and now it’s asking for people to send in their views on the 2020 General Election and referendums.

Those views, called submissions, will go to the Justice Select Committee - a group of nine MPs from different parties which will read the submissions, hear from some people in person, and then write a report with some recommended changes for the next election. 

The chair of the Committee, Labour MP Ginny Andersen, says people can submit on any topic related to the Election as long as it is something Parliament is able to do.

This is a shorter version of this interview. Find the full story here.

Labour MP Ginny Andersen in committee

Labour MP Ginny Andersen Photo: © VNP / Phil Smith

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