2 May 2023

Around the motu : Chris Hyde in Hawkes Bay

From Nine To Noon, 10:45 am on 2 May 2023
Silt drying and cracking at Lesley Wilson's orchard on Swamp Road in Hawkes Bay after Cyclone Gabrielle

Photo: RNZ/Sally Round

Chris says mental health after the cyclone is probably the biggest topic in the region right now.

Puketapu mother and daughter Nicci and Annalise Picen are doing their best to raise awareness about its importance after losing a family friend to suicide in March.

They've been meeting with MPs and sharing messages on social media encouraging people to speak up, to tell loved ones if they're struggling.

Also there's a free online event called The Big Check-In - it's the brain child of many different HB organisations and its being held on Thursday.

In other news in the region, the premature failure of low-pressure copper hot-water cylinders (LPCUs) in Hastings continues to be one of the biggest mysteries in Hawke's Bay