15 Jul 2022

What factors into cricket match fee pay parity

From Nine To Noon, 9:05 am on 15 July 2022
White Ferns celebrate

Photo: Photosport / Andrew Cornaga

Australian Pay equity expert, Yolanda Beattie talks to Kathryn about what needed to be thrashed around the White Ferns' match fee pay parity deal. 

Earlier this month, an agreement was struck between New Zealand Cricket, the six major associations, and the New Zealand Cricket Players Association, professional women's and men's cricketers.

The five year deal means the White Ferns and domestic women's players receive equal match fees to the men across all their formats and competitions. But New Zealand's professional men's players will still earn much higher retainers, based on the increased number of matches played, formats contested, and time spent training and playing.

Yolanda Beattie helped the NZ Cricket Players Association with their efforts to get a new master agreement in place.