24 Mar 2023

Secondary school teachers will strike again

From Midday Report, 12:18 pm on 24 March 2023

Thousands of secondary and area school teachers will strike next week and hold rolling strikes next term.

It comes after 50 thousand educators across the country went on strike last Thursday calling for better pay to meet the rising cost of living and more support and resources.

The union says its members will also refuse to teach particular year levels on different days for four weeks from the start of May and will hold a series of one-day strikes in different regions in the second week of May.

The Post Primary Teachers Association says its members have voted overwhelmingly in support of the strikes.

Its acting president is Chris Abercrombie spoke to Māni Dunlop. 

The Ministry of Education said it was disappointing the PPTA had decided to srtike as they are in the middle of mediation to work towards a settlement. 

It said both parties have agreed that good progress has been made in the two days of mediation we have already had since the strike last Thursday.