9:00 PM.It's back to business in market town Feilding and the live lobster industry claws its way back now that air freight to China has resumed. The Shearing Contractors Association says it may have to… Read moreAudio
9:07 PM.The Shearing Contractors Association says it may have to recruit newcomers to the industry if shearers and shed workers form the northern hemisphere are unable to come in to New Zealand this year. Read moreAudio
9:20 PM.Originally from Oklahoma, Matt is a PhD student at Lincoln University. He's working with Callaghan Innovation and Agriseeds on promoting better health and nutrition for dairy cows, sheep and deer. Read moreAudio
9:27 PM.New Zealand's live lobster industry is worth about $320 million annually, much of it sold to China. However, back on January 24 exports came to a halt when China shut down its Chinese New Year… Read moreAudio, Gallery
9:42 PM.Feilding lost its usual Friday bustle during the Covid-19 lockdown with the historic stockyards closed and the farmers' market shuttered. But it came to life again last week when the lockdown lifted… Read moreAudio, Gallery