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Checkpoint for Tuesday 29 May 2012
Almost 7 million dollars for immunisation goes unspent
6:53 PM.The Health Ministry says it's saved almost seven million dollars from its immunisation budget this year, and the money will go on other things. Audio
Manu Korihi News for 29 May 2012
6:49 PM.An on-going dispute between an Auckland Maori immersion school and the Maori immersion pre-school next door has forced the Ministry of Education to step in; The New Zealand First leader, Winston… Read more Audio
58,000 petition for stonger bail laws reaches Parliament.
6:43 PM.In a tearful speech, the mother of slain teenager Christie Marceau has urged the Government to listen to the petition calling for tougher bail laws, signed by almost 60 thousand people. Audio
Syrian students in Auckland protest
6:40 PM.Some Syrian students living in New Zealand are calling on this government to cut all ties with the Bashar al-Assad regime. Audio
Principals not impressed by Government's teacher guarantee
6:37 PM.The Government has this afternoon announced no school will lose more than two teaching positions under new staffing formulas, but says it's not back tracking. Audio
Sports News for 29 May 2012
6:33 PM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Former RSA president Donald Moselen has been fined
6:29 PM.A former Returned and Services Association president has been fined the maximum five hundred dollars for wearing war medals he wasn't entitled to. Audio
Evening Business for 29 May 2012
6:28 PM.The Real Estate Institute says latest research backs the Reserve Bank governor's view that there is no housing boom, despite prices bouncing back to record levels. Audio
Family reacts to triplets' death in Doha mall fire
6:17 PM.Tonight, the grandparents of New Zealand triplets, killed in the fire at a shopping mall in Doha, are flying to Qatar to be with their family - as unconfirmed reports surface that the first arrests… Read more Audio
Gwaze's daughter responds to verdict
6:11 PM.George Gwaze's daughter Nothando Gwaze joins us. Audio
Gwaze not guilty
6:09 PM.George Gwaze walked free for the second time - not guilty in a majority 11 to 1 verdict of sexually violating and murdering his adopted daughter. Audio
High Ct reverses decision to strike off doctor
5:53 PM.A Hamilton GP struck-off by the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal has been given a reprieve by the High Court, although he can't return to work. Audio
Manu Korihi News for 29 May 2012
5:49 PM.The New Zealand First leader, Winston Peters, has made another attack on the Whanau Ora initiative; An on-going dispute between an Auckland Maori immersion school and a Maori immersion pre-school next… Read more Audio
More from our education correspondent
5:44 PM.Our education correspondent John Gerritsen is with us. Audio
Minister says guarantee to schools not a back-down
5:41 PM.The Government has this afternoon announced no school will lose more than two full time teachers under new staffing formulas, but says it's not back tracking on its new policy. Audio
Gwaze's lawyer questions police investigation
5:36 PM.Returning now to the landmark acquittal of George Gwaze, the first time a person has twice been acquitted of a murder in this country. Audio
Sports News for 29 May 2012
5:32 PM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Kim Dotcom's bail conditions have been relaxed
5:27 PM.The man accused of being the world's worst internet pirate is moving back into his multimillion dollar Auckland mansion, and hitting out at authorities - calling the whole operation against him a… Read more Audio
Evening Business for 29 May 2012
5:25 PM.News from the business sector including a market report. Audio
Latest on Doha mall fire
5:21 PM.An inquiry is underway in Doha into the cause of the fire, which is understood to have started in the daycare centre. Audio
19 die in Gympanzee daycare centre fire
5:17 PM.Tonight, the grandparents of New Zealand triplets, killed in the fire at a shopping mall in Doha, are flying to Qatar to be with their family - as unconfirmed reports surface that the first arrests… Read more Audio
Dead woman named as Czech tourist
5:13 PM.Police have revealed that a woman killed in a remote South Canterbury forest was a 31-year-old Czech tourist who was hitchhiking to Timaru. Audio
Police officer in charge at the retrial
5:09 PM.During the retrial, one of Mr Gwaze's daughters Nothando Gwaze gave evidence that the police pressured her to incriminate her father. Audio
George Gwaze walks free making legal history
5:07 PM.George Gwaze walked free for the second time - not guilty in a majority 11 to 1 verdict of sexually violating and murdering his adopted daughter. Audio
Checkpoint Top Stories for Tuesday 29 May 2012
5:00 PM.George Gwaze is found NOT guilty for the second time making legal history. Police reveal the young woman killed in the backblocks of South Canterbury was a Czech tourist and anger and sorrow over the… Read more Audio