Afternoons for Thursday 24 March 2011
1:10 Best Song Ever Written
Sailing by Rod Stewart, as chosen by Gerry Wright of Auckland.
1:15 Your Place - Kaukapakapa
Isla Willis is involved in the local historical society and is a long time member of the Kaipara community. Hugh MacLennen is a farmer who has lived in the Kaukapakapa area for 22 years, and David Bailey's ancestors were early settlers in the area.
2:10 Feature stories
The lost city of Atlantis:- truth or myth. A team of scientists reveals its latest findings in a new documentary called Finding Atlantis. Paul Bauman is a geophysicist working with the team.
A pair of kaka called Mr and Mrs Roto have been allowed to return to the wild after many years. Mrs Roto has been captive for 27 years with the Orokunui Eco Sanctuary.
2:30 Reading
Barry Empson reads part four of Plumb by Maurice Gee.
3:12 Arts Report
Lynn Freeman chairs a discussion about four major cultural events that are to be tied in with the Rugby World Cup in September. It's all part of the nationwide Real New Zealand festival on during the cup season.
3:33 Southern story
Katy Gosset reporting from South Brighton today, where a group of older residents are showing great resilience despite the earthquake damage - helping each other out with a stoicism they say is typical of their generation.
4:06 The Panel
Julia Hartley Moore and Nevil Gibson.