22 Jul 2023

Pacific Nations Cup 2023 kicks off in Lautoka, Fiji

From , 6:00 am on 22 July 2023
Caleb Muntz, holding ball, will debut for the Flying Fijians in the 2023 Pacific Nations Cup opener against Tonga on Saturday, 22 July 2023.

Caleb Muntz, holding ball, will debut for the Flying Fijians in the 2023 Pacific Nations Cup opener against Tonga on Saturday, 22 July 2023. Photo: Facebook / Fiji Rugby

The Flying Fijians will battle the 'Ikale Tahi of Tonga in the opening game of the 2023 Pacific Nations Cup series  at Churchill Park in Lautoka on Saturday afternoon.

If the history of rugby matches between Fiji and Tonga is anything to go by it is sure to be a physical encounter.

RNZ Pacific's senior sports reporter Iliesa Tora reports from Nadi.