Navigation for Pacific Waves
Pacific Waves for Tuesday 17 August 2021
Pacific Waves for 17 August 2021
6:05 AM.Official Covid-19 figures in Fiji are falling but there are concerns that is only because less people are getting tested; Pacific Islands Forum leaders need to set their own house in order before… Read more Audio
Less testing for Covid-19 breeding complacency in Fiji
6:02 AM.Official Covid-19 figures in Fiji are falling but there are concerns that is only because less people are getting tested. Read more Audio
Pacific leaders urged to set their own house in order
6:01 AM.Pacific Islands Forum leaders need to set their own house in order before worrying about external forces according to a former US congressman for Guam. Read more Audio
A Dawn Raids inquiry would be more meaningful - Academic
6:00 AM.A Samoan academic in Auckland says an independent inquiry into the Dawn Raids of the 1970's would make the government's apology for the racist immigration policy more meaningful. Read more Audio