The House

Legislation, issues and insights from Parliament.

Hosted by Phil Smith & Louis Collins

Podcast Title 'The House' set in a bold font on an outside wall, with a image of the parliament house seen through a window

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Vetting Parliament's Questions

Attend the session where MPs’ oral questions to the Government are vetted and authenticated by Parliament’s Office of the Clerk.
New episode
Clerk Isobel Tannock observes while Principal Clerk David Bagnall checks over Louis Donovan's paper work.

Parliament considers a bill about... itself

On the Sunday edition of The House, Louis and Phil consider a new Bill that reworks much of the legislation that underpins the running of Parliament, including its funding. (This episode combines two weekday episodes on aspects of The Parliament Bill and adds extra content.)
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Parliament gets urgent on sentencing, mining, and charter schools

With all the talk about the Parliament Bill, The House sheds some light on some of the other items of business at Parliament this week.
Chris Bishop in Parliament's debating chamber, 6 December 2023.

Taking the funding of Parliament off governments

The Parliament Bill intends to prevent governments from wielding the power of the purse over the bodies that run Parliament. Phil Smith chats with Adrian Rurawhe (Labour) and Ricardo Menendez March (Green).
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"Arcane but really important": Parliament Bill gets special committee

After years of suggestions for constitutional reform, the Parliament Bill has been introduced. In a rare occurrence at Parliament, a special committee has been set up to examine the bill.
Parliament House and the Beehive wreathed in heavy mist during winter 2019

Opposition forcing long debates on short committees

Opposition MPs have rediscovered an old filibustering tactic and are using it to protest the Government's scanty use of Parliament's select committees.
Green MP Lawrence Xu-Nan listens to evidence in Select Committee.

Wā Pātai: Māori language week at Parliament

Parliament was buzzing with te reo this week. With many members using it in Question Time, the translation team certainly would have been busy.
The Tino Rangatiratanga flag flies at Parliament next to the statue of early Premier Dick Seddon. The event was on 14 September 2022 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Māori language petition.

MPs rediscover a filibustering tactic

Opposition MPs appear to have rediscovered an old filibustering tactic and are using it to protest the Government's liking for sending bills to select committees for very short periods.
Duncan Webb in the House

Budget 2024: Light at the end of the tunnel

The Government's first budget is finally reaching the end of its long approval process, and it's going to be just in time. You might have thought it was all done and dusted months ago, but Parliament is pretty careful with giving away pocket money.
Budget 2024: Composite of Nicola Willis holding Budget 2024 and maths paper background

Leading in opposition & building an alternative government

Chris Hipkins discusses his formal parliamentary title: Leader of the Opposition, and the very different job of leading in opposition.
Chris Hipkins first debate as Leader of the Opposition.

Parsing Question Time answers

Question Time is the political equivalent of managers being grilled in front of the board, even when the Prime Minister is being quizzed by the opposition. Imagining it as literally that gives a different slant to teasing out the answers, the deflections and obfuscations.
Christopher Luxon takes part in the first debate of the 54th Parliament.

Parliament honours Kiingi Tuheitia

Parliament adjourned early today in respect for Kiingi Tuheitia, the late leader of the Māori Kingitanga. Before they adjourned there were speeches.
The tangi for Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII, 5 September, 2024.

CYP 12 - 60 MPs, 60 accents, 100 opinions

This week New Zealand’s Parliament hosted the Commonwealth Youth Parliament, bringing youth leaders together from Fiji to the Falklands.
National MP Katie Nimmon offers her expertise to delegates during a committee session of the Commonwealth Youth Parliament.

Rising costs and rising seas: Parliament’s climate adaptation inquiry

The Climate Change Commission told members this week that climate adaptation is the "most difficult challenge this country faces over the next century."
The Climate Change Commission make a submission to the Finance and Expenditure Committee during the inquiry into climate adaptation

Petitioner reveals NZ First's original fast track bill, with hidden projects

Petitions often touch on very human stories, or on tricky philosophical issues. This week, one threw explosive new information into an already contentious debate.
Richard Capie from Forest and Bird gives evidence to the petitions Committee.