There are unconfirmed reports that Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych has left the capital, Kiev, with his whereabouts unknown.
A day after the president signed an agreement aimed at stopping the clashes between the protesters and police the presidential offices in Kiev lie empty.
Protesters appear to be in control of the government district and thousands remain in the main square, where they have been camped for days.
A BBC reporter says he was able to walk straight into the courtyard and protesters are standing around in disbelief. Some government employees have turned up for work.
There ae suggestions the president has travelled to Kharkiv in the east, close to the Russian border.
Under the truce agreement, mediated by European Union foreign ministers between Mr Yanukovych and opposition leaders, a caretaker government will be installed and elections held by December. However, protesters want that brought forward to May.
The deal also includes reverting to an earlier constitution from 2004 that restricts the president's executive powers - a measure subsequently approved by parliament.
The health ministry says 77 people - both protesters and police - had been killed and another 577 wounded since Tuesday in the worst violence since protests began in November.
They were sparked by President Yanukovych's rejection of a landmark association and trade deal with the EU in favour of closer ties with Russia.