10 Oct 2020

Bassett signing throws up tantalizing storylines for NZ comp

7:16 am on 10 October 2020

Analysis - Recruiting Australian Diamonds' captain Caitlin Bassett for next year's ANZ Premiership is huge for the competition and will provide plenty of storylines for those who love the theatre of sport.

Caitlin Bassett of Australia playing against Silver Ferns.

Caitlin Bassett at the 2019 Netball World Cup. Photo: PHOTOSPORT

The 32-year-old will become the first current Australian netball international to play in New Zealand's domestic league, signing a one-year deal, with an option for two with the Waikato Bay of Plenty franchise.

Signing the 100-Test veteran is a major coup for the Magic, who finished last this year.

It's also good for the competition as a whole because it will generate plenty of intrigue.

Bassett ultimately decided to play her netball in New Zealand in order to get more court time.

It wasn't too long ago when that would have seemed unthinkable - the Australian captain having to break a contract because she lacked game time in her country's domestic league.

It's been put down to the introduction of the super shot in the Suncorp Super Netball competition, which awards two points for a shot netted from the outer portion of the goal circle.

Some of netball's snider fans on social media have enjoyed pointing out that Bassett doesn't like to shoot from wide, but she would be the first to admit her strength is under the hoop.

She doesn't believe the rule itself stunted her, but more the way it was approached tactically by her Giants coach Julie Fitzgerald, who preferred to stick with longer range shooters.

Bassett had to do some second guessing, with the Australian league still to confirm whether the two-point shot will actually be retained next year.

And she didn't want to take her chances, with the other Australian franchises pretty well served by their existing goal shooters, many of them import players.

Caitlin Bassett of Australia lines up a shot, during the Constellation Cup. New Zealand. 2014.

Caitlin Bassett had some tough battles over the years with retired Silver Ferns legend Casey Kopua. Photo: PHOTOSPORT

New Zealand netball fans first became acquainted with Bassett at the 2011 Netball World Cup in Singapore.

Bassett came on at half time when the Ferns led by six. She made a huge impact and broke the hearts of the Silver Ferns when she shot the winning goal in the final seconds of extra time.

At the 2015 World Cup in Sydney, the Diamonds just had the measure of the Silver Ferns, beating them by three in the final. It's hard to imagine they would have done that without Bassett, who scores a majority of the side's goals.

The balance of power finally changed last year when the Silver Ferns beat Australia to achieve World Cup glory in Liverpool.

Bassett's been one of the most dominant shooters in the world for the best part of a decade. Now she's down on confidence, she's found a haven in her arch rivals' backyard.

You can't make this stuff up.

Bassett had some tremendous battles with retired Silver Fern Casey Kopua over the years. The fact that she is now heading to Kopua's beloved franchise is just one fun fact.

It's the same franchise of course that Silver Ferns' coach Dame Noeline Taurua built up over so many years - and therein lies another serendipitous connection.

They know each other well from when Dame Noeline coached her at the Sunshine Coast Lightning when they won two premierships together and Bassett didn't hesitate to get her advice about playing in New Zealand.

Will Bassett help retore the Magic to their former glory days and win the hearts of New Zealand netball fans?

You know that World Cup final in 2011 ...Anna Harrison was brought on later in the game to try to contain Bassett.

And whaddaya know - Harrison will meet her old rival in the ANZ Premiership next year after the 37-year-old was convinced to come out of retirement by the Northern Stars.

A couple of months ago that would have sounded farcical and that's what makes it so tantalizing.

The big storyline that Bassett is chasing of course is to grow her game, and lead the Diamonds to a Commonwealth Games gold medal in 2022 for the ultimate redemption.

The Silver Ferns will have other ideas, but we can just sit back and enjoy turning the pages in the meantime.