Patchy rain over the past week or so has brought a green tinge back to the normally lush South Island West Coast.
More rain is forecast this week but conditions heading into winter are still borderline, as they are for most of the North Island.
The entire North Island and Buller and Grey districts of the South Island's West Coast have been declared drought zones.
Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy will get a first-hand look at conditions when he visits the West Coast on Wednesday.
Federated Farmers West Coast president and adverse events spokesperson Katie Milne hopes the rain will follow him because a lot more is needed.
Ms Milne says even more rain falls there is no way enough feed can be grown before winter, and farmers will have to buy in feed or ship out cows.
The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) is predicting above average temperatures and near average rainfall for all regions in its seasonal climate outlook for April, May and June.