The Labour Party says the Government is reforming only the aspects of electoral law that suit it.
Justice Minister Simon Power has issued a discussion document on proposed changes to electoral finance law.
The changes include reforms around broadcasting allocations, increases in spending limits and changes to the regulated campaign period.
Labour's electoral reform spokesperson, David Parker, says options are given for changes in almost every area of electoral finance law - aside from transparency around donations. He says that's a glaring omission.
If submissions reveal further discussion around anonymous donations is required, Mr Power says he's open minded about it.
Submissions close on 30 October.
Fixed election date wanted
Meanwhile, the Greens want a fixed election date. Co-leader Russel Norman says there's no discussion in the document about fixing the date for the general election.
Dr Norman also told Morning Report the threshold for declaring donations to political parties should be lowered from $10,000 to $1000.
He said it's important that people are able to see who is funding and influencing political campaigns.