Legislation giving local councils more power to ensure affordable houses are built has been passed in Parliament on Friday.
The bill allows councils to require developers to put aside land for affordable housing, though the councils must first establish evidence of a shortage of such housing in their area.
It removes clauses that ban cheaper housing being built adjacent to a development.
Housing Minister Maryan Street says the law will create more choice and opportunity for modest-income families and first-home buyers.
The bill passed under urgency by 66 votes to 52. National, United Future, and Gordon Copeland opposed it.
Other legislation to be passed before Parliament rose for the week were the Electricity Industry Reform Amendment, the Policing and Family Court Matters bills.
The Cultural Property Bill passed its first reading and has been sent to a select committee for consideration.
The House will sit again on Tuesday afternoon, when it is likely that the committee stages of the Emissions Trading legislation will be completed.