Police in Christchurch say a man who was found dead in the Heathcote River has no sign of violent injuries and there is nothing to suggest his death is suspicious.
The body was found on Monday morning between Rutherford and Connal streets in Woolston.
Police are appealing to the public for help in identifying him.
The man is pakeha and aged in his 60s or 70s. He was wearing a brown checked shirt and a red and gold cycle helmet.
Detective Senior Sergeant David Harvey says police believe he may be linked to a black mountain bike found on the Rutherford St bridge.
He says his description matches that of a man seen walking up Rutherford St in a dazed state at 10pm on Sunday night.
Police believe the tide has carried the body from Rutherford St into the weir by Connal St where it was found at about 8am.