Deliveries of fuel and food are making their way to Queenstown, following the biggest snow fall there in 50 years.
Bread had run out in the resort and milk was being rationed.
Diesel and 95 octane fuel had also run dry, but BP says a tanker that made it through to Queenstown on Wednesday morning replenished stocks of 95 octane. Another tanker will be in the resort by Thursday.
The lack of diesel has caused headaches for some, including one motel where the heating is run on diesel.
[image:2767:full]Foodstuffs says trucks were sent from Dunedin to restock bread and milk after the usual supply route from Christchurch, through the Lindis Pass, was blocked for three days.
The company says customers will notice the supermarkets are now restocked.
Some dairy farmers in Southland are concerned after they had to dump so much milk their effluent ponds have become full.
Tankers were unable to pick up milk supplies in many snow bound areas.
Almost all schools are expected to reopen on Thursday.