Recreational fishers in Northland say they may appeal against a decision to allow a mussel farm in Whangaroa Harbour.
The Northland Regional Council has granted consent to Westpac Mussels Distributors for a 90-hectare marine farm off Stephenson Island.
Commissioners approved the consent despite strong public opposition, saying the mussel farm would bring significant economic benefits to an impoverished part of New Zealand.
Whangaroa Marina manager Pete Sehmb says Westpac Mussels Distributors told the hearing the farm would create more than 80 fulltime jobs for locals.
However, Mr Sehmb says the community can't see how - because the mussels will be processed in Auckland.
He believes the mussel farm will deprive fishers and boaties of a sheltered area they depend on in rough weather.
Only 14 of the 278 public submissions supported the mussel farm.