This week the Youth Parliament convened, the three-yearly opportunity for 120 Youth Members of Parliament, who are each selected by a member of the New Zealand Parliament, to participate in debates, select committees and other critical functions of our parliamentary democracy.
Youth Parliament 2022 Photo: Mishka Lombaard
Youth MPs gathered in the debating chamber. This is the first time that they have sat alongside their peers in the hub of Aotearoa's democracy.
Youth Parliament 2022 Photo: Mishka Lombaard
The sound of Youth Parliament officially beginning is three loud bangs on the doors of the debating chamber. The Black Rod enters to commence the opening of 2022 New Zealand Youth Parliament.
Youth Parliament 2022 Photo: Mishka Lombaard
Governor-General Dame Cindy Kiro and her entourage exiting the Legislative Council Chamber (LCC) after the official opening.
Youth Parliament 2022 Photo: Mishka Lombaard
Mukai Duder-Hura, Youth MP for Kelvin Davis, asking Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern a question during Question Time. Duder-Hura questioned Ardern about her government's commitment on “making New Zealand the best place in the world to be a child”.
Youth Parliament 2022 Photo: Mishka Lombaard
Youth MPs during Question Time in the Debating Chamber.
Youth Parliament 2022 Photo: Mishka Lombaard
Aukaha Kakau-Dickson, Youth MP for Rawiri Waititi, questioning MP Priyanca Radhakrishnan about her knowledge on the existence of reports or surveys that “capture the voice of rangatahi needs and experiences relating to mental health”.
Youth Parliament 2022 Photo: Mishka Lombaard
Youth MPs digest a public submission by the Disabled Persons Assembly NZ, during the Economic, Science, and Innovation Select Committee.
Youth Parliament 2022 Photo: Mishka Lombaard
The Chair for the Economy, Science, and Innovation Select Committee Joshua Taefu (middle) in committee with colleagues.
Youth Parliament 2022 Photo: Mishka Lombaard
Youth MP Jack Jessop giving the opening speech of the General Debate. Jessop gave an emotional and impactful speech on the importance of schools being safe places for LGBTQIA+ students. The General Debate is split over the two days, and includes a variety of topics, ranging from access to mental health support to creating safe spaces for the rangatahi of the Rainbow community in Aotearoa.
Youth Parliament 2022 Photo: Mishka Lombaard
Youth MP Alexander Hewison giving his speech during the General Debate. Hewison spoke about the needs of his Christchurch East electorate.
Youth Parliament 2022 Photo: Mishka Lombaard
Youth MP Rhiannon Mackie giving her speech during the General Debate. Mackie stressed on the importance of youth involvement in environmental initiatives.
*Mishka Lombaard is a member of the Youth Press Gallery which takes the role of independent media reporting on Youth MPs and Youth Parliament 2022. This article can be republished freely on your platform subject to the following conditions:
- It must be republished as is (this can include visuals credited to VNP or NZ Parliament)
- It must include the following attribution to RNZ as the copyright owner: This story was originally published on RNZ and is republished with permission.