24 May 2024

Research into cross-cultural patterns in music & language

From Nine To Noon, 9:35 am on 24 May 2024
Study coauthors Latyr Sy (Senegal), Gakuto Chiba (Japan), Neddiel Elcie Muñoz Millalonco (Chile),
and Aleksandar Arabadjiev (Macedonia)

Study coauthors Latyr Sy (Senegal), Gakuto Chiba (Japan), Neddiel Elcie Muñoz Millalonco (Chile), and Aleksandar Arabadjiev (Macedonia) Photo: Supplied_Auckland University

Singing researchers have been investigating cross-cultural patterns in music and language.

Although music and language are universal, scientists have never compared how they are similar or different around the world.

Now, a global study published in Science Advances has examined the cross-cultural relationships - comparing song, speech, and instrumental music from around the world. 

University of Auckland psychologist and musicologist Dr Patrick Savage and psychology Professor Suzanne Purdy talk about the findings.