09:05 The residential housing shortage and rising prices

Housing Minister Nick Smith on new mechanisms to tackle the residential housing shortage and rising prices.

The Government says it's in the national interest for more houses to be built in Auckland otherwise continued house price inflation will make it inevitable that the Reserve Bank will raise interest rates. New legislation, which goes to select committee this morning, allows planning for new homes to be fast-tracked in areas with a shortage of housing.

09:30 Adopt a youth burglar

Superintendent John Tims is the District Commander of Counties Manukau Police which is trialling a new scheme that will see them try to identify young criminals and have a chat to them about why they are stealing, breaking into properties and generally falling foul of the law.

09:45 Australia correspondent Karen Middleton

10:05 Chris Bregler - Head of the NYU Movement Lab

The computer science professor is the director of the New York University Movement Lab, which is a motion capture studio and research group dedicated to the analysis and animation of all forms of human movement. The lab has analysed everyone from a crowd at a sports stadium, a Philharmonic conductor and politicians and the technology could be used in the future to help prevent future terrorist attacks.

10:35 Book Review with Quentin Johnson

The Activist by John Grisham
Published by Hachette NZ

10:45 Reading: The House of Pain, a short story by Steve Danby told by Jason Te Kare

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single vampire having any sort of fun whatsoever is about to get the bash from his Auntie. Two cousins try to avoid 'the bash' in a vampiric reinterpretation of Aotearoa's cultural makeup.

11:05 Marty Duda's Artist of the Week - Daft Punk

French duo Daft Punk began making their brand of electronic dance music in the middle 1990s. Their debut album, Homework was a huge hit thanks to tracks like Da Funk and Around The World. They’ve never been the most prolific of artists and their new, much-hyped album, Random Access Memories is only their fourth studio album. The record features a slew of guests including Chic’s Nile Rodgers, Giorgio Moroder, Pharrell Williams and songwriter Paul Williams among others. The album seems to be living up to the hype, garnering rave reviews.

1. Da Funk – Daft Punk taken from 1997 album “Homework” (Virgin)
2. Face To Face – Daft Punk taken from 2001 album “Discovery” (Virgin)
3. Robot Rock – Daft Punk taken from 2005 album “Human After All” (Virgin)
4. Get Lucky –Daft Punk taken from 2013 album “Random Access Memories” (Columbia)

11:30 Computer security expert Daniel Ayers

A review of the public sector computer systems has found vulnerabilities in 13 different agencies.

11:40 Legal commentator Andrew Scott Howman

Discusses whether employment laws apply to church ministers - or do they work for God?

11:45 Science commentator Simon Pollard

What brought about the demise of the Neanderthals?