Vanuatu's Prime Minister says the government intends to have a decision on who to support before tomorrow's fresh Presidential election.
A vote by the Electoral College, which comprises the 52 members of parliament and the heads of the six provincial governments, failed this morning to elect a 7th new Head of State.
The term of the last president, Kalkot Mataskelekele, expired in mid-August.
Prime Minister Edward Natapei says today's vote was split out of respect for all the leaders of the country and in particular those involved in the struggle for independence.
"Now that we have seen the vote of today the government side will be meeting with its members of parliament and the electoral college to decide on a possible candidate for tomorrow. I hope by the end of today or before nine o'clock tomorrow morning the government side should be in a position to decide who to support in tomorrow's vote"
Prime Minister Edward Natapei of Vanuatu.