Samoa's Ministry of Health says it needs more courses of the antiviral drug Tamiflu to cope with a possible swine flu outbreak.
A Melbourne school group of about 30 and six Samoan motel staff are still in quarantine in Apia with suspected swine flu.
Four of the students who fell sick are still waiting for their test results and are taking Tamiflu.
But the director general of health, Palanitina Toelupe, says Samoa doesn't have enough courses of the drug to deal with a swine-flu outbreak.
"We only have about 1500 courses left. We are expecting some [2000-3000 doses] from the World Health Organisation and we are also hoping to receive some from the NZ/Australian partnership programme that they are doing through the Secretariat of the Pacific Community. The government through other means is trying to get some more."
Palanitina Toelupe says health staff are continuing to monitor all arriving visitors and have stepped up their public awareness campaign.