The Marshall Islands says one of the major issues in the future funding levels of the Compact with the U.S. is now closer to being resolved.
The negotiator for the Marshalls, Robert Muller, says the two countries are still discussing the levels of investment in a proposed trust fund but are close to agreement on funding of the base grant.
He says they've asked for 36.6 million U.S. dollars annually for the operating grant and the U.S. has offered 33.8 million dollars.
Mr Muller says the real difference is to do with the trust fund.
"our concern falls mainly on the level of the Trust Fund contribution the U.S is proposing because this will require reconciliation of our financial modeling They have different projections and we have different projections but essentially we are concerned that the trust Fund contribution they are proposing may not be sufficient to meet this targeted Trust fund level at the end of the 20 year term"
The Marshalls has requested 12 million dollars annually and the U.S. offered 8 million.
The Compact funding covers the period until 2023 and Mr Muller says they're hoping to convene a 4th round of the negotiations on Majuro in July.