Afternoons for Friday 24 January 2020
1:10 First song
1:17 Summer maths classes attract West Auckland students
It's the school holidays but a dedicated mother and daughter team from Massey University's Institute of Education have been running maths classes this summer for some very keen west Auckland children. Dr Jodie Hunter is a maths researcher and joins the programme to explain more.
1:27 The truth about rescuing animals from the Australian bushfires
A team of experts at evacuating animals during emergencies and disasters went to Australia from New Zealand earlier this month, to help as fires raged out of control.
Steve Glassey, who used to be the head of SPCA in Wellington, set up Animal Evac in 2018 which helps with evacuations to make sure no animals are left behind, and provides temporary emergency shelter.
1:35 Research shows which diet is best for health and weight loss
When it comes to diets there are all sorts of options and information out there - but new research from Otago University has shed some light on the effectiveness of three of the most popular.
In the study overweight adults followed either the Mediterranean, intermittent fasting, or Paleo diets for a year to see which, if any, was more effective.
Co-author of the study Dr Melyssa Roy talks about the results.
A Mediterranean diet promotes brain health. Photo: Creative Commons
1:50 Making New Zealand Home: Mauricio Olmedo-Perez
Each week at this time we bring you stories from New Zealanders who were forced to leave their homelands and have resettled here.
Today we are speaking to Mauricio Olmedo-Perez who is a journalist and broadcaster and also a refugee from Chile.
2:10 Film Review: Graeme Tuckett
Graeme reviews Just Mercy, Dolittle and Beats.
2:20 NZ Live
Originally from Auckland, Tattletale Saints now live in Music City USA, Nashville Tennessee. Their third full-length album, Dancing Under The Dogwoods, is a celebration of their decision to try to become full-time musicians in the US, even if it took them through a marriage breakup, some bad jobs, and even worse gigs before finally paying off. They're back in New Zealand ahead of the album's January 24 release, after which they'll embark on a 21-date country-spanning tour, with shows from Invercargill in the south to Kohukohu in the north.
Tattletale Saints NZ Live on RNZ Photo: Andre Upston
3:10 Roasted Pumpkin, Buckwheat and Herb Salad
Sarah Tuck, editor of Dish has got a great recipe for us today that can be enjoyed all year through. Her mouthwatering Roasted Pumpkin, Buckwheat and Herb Salad is also gluten free as well as vegetarian. The recipe can be found here.
Roasted Pumpkin, Buckwheat and Herb Salad (gf) (v) Photo: Sarah Tuck, Editor of Dish
3:20 Music 101: Charlotte Ryan
3:30 Critter of the Week The Basking Shark
Doc's Threatened Species Ambassador Niclola Toki talks about this week’s critter - the Basking Shark, a charismatic and harmless shark species. It’s the second largest fish in the world and was once a common sight around central and southern New Zealand, now it’s virtually disappeared!
This species was recommended by DOC’s very own shark expert, Clinton Duffy. He's asking for the public to report any sightings of this species to the Sharks Mailbox ( or on iNaturalist, particularly if they can be verified with photographs.
Basking Shark from above and underwater Photo: Left Basking shark from above - credit rossbeane, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA) Right Basking shark underwater - Photo credit Greg Skomal - NOAA Fisheries Service [Public domain]
3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day
4:05 The Panel with Susan Hornsby-Geluk and Alan McElroy