Afternoons for Monday 5 February 2018
Short Story Club
On Thursday we will talk about a short story by Lloyd Jones: The Thing that Distresses Me Most
1:10 Callaghan Innovation accused of extravagance by Taxpayers' Union
Callaghan Innovation Photo: STRIKE PHOTOGRAPHY
The Taxpayers' Union has been criticising the government's science funding agency over its spending - revealing it has spent $2.4m on travel and accommodation.
We wanted to know more about Callaghan Innovation and what the organisation does. We speak to the President of the Association of Scientists, Craig Stevens.
Photo: Supplied
1:25 Learning a Maori word a day
It has been 30 years since te reo Māori was declared an official language of New Zealand, and now increasing numbers of people are using te reo in every-day speech. A new book has just been published to assist beginners to begin using more Māori words, it's called A Māori Word a Day.
It's written by Hēmi Kelly - who lectures in te Reo Maori at AUT
1:35 The dangers of a lifeline road: Coromandel Peninsula
SH25 Thames Coast Road. Photo: Waikato Police
A storm at the start of January did serious damage to the Thames' Coast Road and business during the busiest month of the year on the Coromandel Peninsula declined as a consequence.
The road is back open now, but locals are anxious the road won't hold up in another storm.
The Thames-Coromandel mayor, Sandra Goudie, has been calling businesses this morning to see how they're going. She talks to Jesse about the risks to relying on a lifeline road.
1:40 Great album: (Pronounced 'Lĕh-'nérd 'Skin-'nérd) by Lynyrd Skynyrd
(Pronounced 'Lĕh-'nérd 'Skin-'nérd) is the debut album from Lynyrd Skynyrd, released in 1973.
2:10 Television Critic, Linda Burgess
Linda has been watching:
Innocent (TV1 Tuesday 8.30pm)
Liar (Sunday TV1, 8.45pm)
2:20 Waitangi welcome
This morning Jacinda Ardern, made history as the first female Prime Minister to speak from the porch of the
whare rūnanga at Waitangi
RNZ's northland reporter Lois Williams, who has been covering Waitangi for many years now, joins us from the treaty grounds
2:30 Expert: Surveillance: why and how we are being watched
CCTV cameras, loyalty cards, internet cookies.. there are so many ways that our every move is being monitored, both in the real and the digital world. Our Monday expert has been studying the impact of all this surveillance in our lives, not just on us, but those doing the watching.
He is Gavin Smith, from the school of Sociology at the Australian National University, ANU
Safety Surveillance Cctv Security Camera Photo: Copyright by MaxPixel
Photo: supplied
3:10 The Science of perfect timing
Timing is everything. There is actually a biologically better time of day to make decisions and take tests says author Daniel Pink.
There's a good time to have a job interview, go before a judge and an optimal age to get married.
Daniel Pink scours the science behind the theories in his book, When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing.
3:35 Voices
3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day and One Quick Question
4:05 The Panel with Paula Penfold and Damian Christie