1:10 First song

1:15 First female commander of the NZ Army 

Colonel Karyn Marie Thompson is today, making history. An official ceremony is underway in Waiouru, at the army Marae, where Col Thompson is becoming the new Commander of the camp.

Colonel Karen Thompson

Colonel Karen Thompson and her children Photo: www.defencecareers.mil.nz

1:25 Spotting bad science

Ben Goldacre

Ben Goldacre Photo: Ted Talk

Dr. Ben Goldacre is a British science communicator, academic, researcher, rationalism advocate, physician and journalist. His mission is to warn people of the dangers implicit in the modern trend of spreading scientific misinformation, and help people recognise whether what we are being told is true.

1:35 Dan Slevin on Field of Dreams

Every year RNZ's film guy, Dan Slevin, rewatches Field Of Dreams. And every time he finds something new.

Field of Dreams is a 1989 American film directed by Phil Alden Robinson, who also wrote the screenplay, adapting W. P. Kinsella's novel.

Field of Dreams

Field of Dreams Photo: You Tube

1:40 Favourite album: Whole of the Moon - the Music of the Waterboys and Mike Scott

2:05 Dead cat handbags

Cat Handbag

Cat Handbag Photo: Trade Me

A Christchurch taxidermist has created handbags out of dead cats.

Taxidermy Unicorn

Taxidermy Unicorn Photo: trade me

The sellers are hoping will attract a minimum bidding reserve of fourteen hundred dollars.

It's listed as a 'REAL Glamour puss PURSE'... And indeed, it's a handbag, made from the pelt and head of a real cat.

Christchurch taxidermist, Claire Third, is behind the work. She is also trying to sell a Unicorn on Trade Me, made up of different animals.

2:10 Dogs in Libraries

Dogs in libraries

Dogs in libraries Photo: Waikato District Council

Waikato Libraries have launched a unique new programme to encourage kids to practice their reading skills - by reading out loud to dogs in the library.

2:20 Book Critic - Pip Adam

2:30 Great New Zealand Album: Tears - The Crocodiles

The Crocodiles

The Crocodiles Photo: Supplied

3:10 A Brief History of Everyone who Ever Lived

Each of us carries an epic poem in our cells.  DNA tells the story of our murky origins, shaped by evolution, to our current obsession with tracing our ancestry.  Dr. Adam Rutherford is a science writer and the presenter of BBC Radio 4's flagship science programme, Inside Science. His new book,  A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived: The Stories in Our Genes  looks at how the mapping of our genome is changing our view of our identity, our history and our future. 

Adam Rutherford

Adam Rutherford Photo: You Tube

3:30 Our Changing World: How is the air up there?

3:45 The Panel Pre-Show

Music played in this show

1pm - 4pm
Tuesday 20th September 2016

ARTIST:    Norah Jones
TITLE:      Carry On
COMP:     Norah Jones, Peter Remm
ALBUM:   Day Breaks
LABEL:    Blue Note

ARTIST:    The Waterboys
TITLE:      Fisherman's Blues
COMP:     Mike Scott, Stephen Patrick Wickham
ALBUM:   Whole of the Moon: The Music of the Waterboys & Mike Scott  
LABEL:    Mercury

ARTIST:    The Waterboys
TITLE:      Rare, Precious And Gone
COMP:     Mike Scott
ALBUM:   Whole of the Moon: The Music of the Waterboys & Mike Scott  
LABEL:    Mercury

ARTIST:    The Waterboys
TITLE:      When Ye Go Away
COMP:     Mike Scott   
ALBUM:   Whole of the Moon: The Music of the Waterboys & Mike Scott  
LABEL:    Mercury

ARTIST:    The Crocodiles
TITLE:      Tears
COMP:     Arthur Baysting, Fane Flaws
ALBUM:   Tears
LABEL:    RCA Victor

ARTIST:    The Crocodiles
TITLE:      New Wave Goodbye
COMP:     Arthur Baysting, Fane Flaws
ALBUM:   Tears
LABEL:    RCA Victor

ARTIST:    The Crocodiles
TITLE:      Any Day of The Week
COMP:     Arthur Baysting, Peter Dasent
ALBUM:   Tears
LABEL:    RCA Victor

ARTIST:    Bobbie & Laurie
TITLE:      Hitch Hiker
COMP:     Roger Miller
ALBUM:   Hitch Hiker
LABEL:    Parlophone