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Checkpoint for Friday 6 November 2020
Race to White House becomes a crawl as final votes counted
5:11 PM.The race to the White House has turned into a crawl, with the United States still standing-by for confirmation of its next President.
The vital states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona… Read more Video, Audio
Māori Party wins second MP as National loses two on special votes
5:15 PM.The revolving door of politics has spat out two National MP's after the party lost its grip on three electorates in the final confirmed vote count.
Maungakiekie, Whangārei and Northland have all gone… Read more Audio
'Thrilled' Debbie Ngarewa-Packer enters Parliament on special votes
5:20 PM.The Māori Party has doubled its numbers in Parliament to two.
Special votes confirmed Rawiri Waititi in the seat of Waiariki - the only electorate seat the Labour Party lost.
And with 1.2 percent of… Read more Video, Audio
Broods face cancelled shows after missing out on MIQ voucher
5:27 PM.Acclaimed pop music duo Broods may have to cancel their summer shows in New Zealand after their singer missed out on a managed isolation hotel voucher.
They are among hopeful returnees who booked… Read more Audio
Covid-19: Health leaders urge better MIQ systems
5:31 PM.Meanwhile, there's been just one new case of Covid-19 in New Zealand's managed isolation facilities today.
But as hotels acting as the country's buffer between the outside world reach capacity ahead… Read more Audio
Evening business for 6 November 2020
5:39 PM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Video, Audio
Ellerslie locals sad to hear Denise Lee losing electorate
5:43 PM.There was dismay in the Auckland suburb of Ellerslie today, as special votes flipped Maungakiekie to Labour - losing National MP Denise Lee her seat.
The one term MP was 580 votes ahead before the… Read more Video, Audio
US Election: Trump's chances of winning in courts very slim - legal expert
5:55 PM.US President Donald Trump on Friday made a rambling 16-minute address riddled with false claims, delivered in the White House press briefing room.
Is there any substance to his claims of voter fraud… Read more Video, Audio
Dramatic day in US as Biden inches towards victory
6:06 PM.Joe Biden is inching closer to claiming the keys to the White House. Donald Trump leads in Georgia by just 1,700 votes.
While the former vice president has chipped away at Trump's margin in… Read more Audio
Narrow cannabis result proves need for reform - Helen Clark
6:09 PM.The margin is thinner than a cannabis leaf, but voters have said nope to legalising dope.
In the final count 50.7 percent voted no, versus 48.4 percent voting yes - a difference of 67,000 votes.
… Read more Video, Audio
Ardern's new Cabinet confirmed at Government House
6:17 PM.As well as the special votes, the government's top line up was confirmed on Friday, with a regal ceremony at Government House.
Family and friends lined the building's ballroom as ministers were sworn… Read more Audio
Abuse inquiry: Crown urged to change way law helps claimants
6:21 PM.A lawyer representing abuse survivors has called for a major change in the way the Crown Law Office deals with claimants.
Frances Joychild, QC who represents a number of abuse victims, has made… Read more Audio
Thousands turn up for Southland's Polyfest in Invercargill
6:24 PM.It was almost a victim of the Covid-19 pandemic, but organisers have managed to pull together Southland's annual celebration of Māori and Pasifika culture.
Thousands turned up for the Miharo Polyfest… Read more Video, Audio