Knit a Critter

Knit a native NZ critter for our Knit a Critter competition. All items are donated to the Mangere Refugee Resettlement Centre, via the Red Cross.

Your knitting or crocheted item can be shaped like the critter or knitted critter image on an item of clothing like a beanie or another creative idea you come up with. It's up to you!

For any wearable items, do please use pure wool.

You can find all the details here

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Photo: RNZ

1:10 16 year old singer, Mikaela Stroud performs live

Every year around this time we feature some very talented secondary school musicians who make the finals of the Auckland schools talent competition, Stand Up Stand Out.

Today singer, Mikaela Stroud from ACG Parnell College joins the show to perform live. Trust us, she is very good.

Mikaela Stroud

Mikaela Stroud Photo: rnz


1:17 More responsibility for environmental impact 

When a product leaves a store, it's out of the hands of the business as to what happens to it - they have no control over whether the packaging is recycled or not. Or do they? 

A new campaign has been created to make businesses take responsibility of what they make. 

The Sustainable Business Network has a two years to promote this idea, so-called "product stewardship", with help from the Government's Waste Minimisation Fund. SBN's chief executive Rachel Brown is here to explain. 

Bales of recycling

Bales of recycling Photo: (Photo by Bas Emmen on Unsplash)

1.27 Japanese stories for English readers

Our next guest has been based in Japan for 20 years, teaching translation studies and literature.

Richard Donovan has just finished a book translating modern Japanese short stories into English for the first time. 

He's in studio to tell us about the book, Translating Modern Japanese Literature, and to share a reading with us.


1.34 Stellar's Andrew Maclaren

Kiwi band Stellar's debut album Mix is twenty years old this year. We ask drummer Andrew Maclaren how the band, and the hit album, came together. 

Kiwi band Stellar have reunited. They play live in the RNZ Auckland studios for NZ Live. 08 March 2019.

Photo: RNZ / Cole Eastham-Farrelly

1:45 Great NZ Album: Mix by Stellar


2:10 Television Critic: Irene Gardiner

Irene reviews Funny As: The Story of New Zealand Comedy, Mean Mums and Golden Boy.


2:20 Giulio Sturla from Roots to The Grove

In May this year foodies around the country were shocked to hear that the celebrated Roots restaurant in Lyttleton had closed its doors for good.

And what of its owner Giulio Sturla? The Chilean-born chef is back on the scene this month as part of American Express Restaurant Month, teaming up with Kira Ghidoni of The Grove to cook a six-course menu for this year's Chef Dining Series. 

He tell us why he closed the doors of his popular restaurant and what diners can expect during this degustation. 

Giulio Sturla

Giulio Sturla Photo: Supplied


2:30 Vic Tamati: Walking away from violence

Our expert guest today has walked the walk with family violence. He was brought up being hit and punched and he took that violence into his own parenting.
It wasn't until his wife was forced to take their six kids to a refuge to protect them from him, that he sought help for his anger. Vic Tamati now runs the Safe Man Safe Family volunteer network around the country. 

Vic Tamati

Vic Tamati Photo: SUPPLIED

Safe Man Safe Family network

Women's Refuge: (0800 733 843)  

It's Not OK (0800 456 450) 

Shine: 0508 744 633 Victim Support: 0800 650 654

HELP Call 24/7 (Auckland): 09 623 1700, (Wellington): be 04 801 6655 - 0

If it is an emergency and you feel like you or someone else is at risk, call 111.


3:10 Paullina Simons: The End of Forever Trilogy

There was a time when best selling novelist Paullina Simons was world famous in New Zealand. Readers here discovered her books before America and the UK. 

Nearly 20 years later, Simons has fans in 23 countries and is shaking up the book reading world with the End of Forever trilogy. Like a binge worthy Netfix series, all the books come out at the same time. Paullina Simons is in New Zealand to celebrate the trilogy. 

Paullina Simons

Paullina Simons Photo: RNZ


3:35 Voices

A group of new migrants and former refugees in Auckland want Kiwis to know they aren't here to steal people's jobs or cause trouble. Instead they're here to start new lives, get to know their local communities and contribute back to society. 

Sara Vui-Talitu visited a women's group to find out more about their struggles and joys to settling in here and what people can do to help out.


3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day and One Quick Question

4:05 The Panel with Ali Jones and David Slack