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New Critter of the Week T-shirts! 

We have a new selection of limited edition Critter of the Week T-shirts, including children's sizes plus a tea towel! 

To order one click here, you only have until 31st October to get your orders in. 

1:10 First song - Paul Kelly

We have an incredible guest in our studio today, Australian music royalty, ARIA Hall of Famer, Paul Kelly.
The singer-songwriter has been releasing music since 1986 and tomorrow his 24th album Nature comes out. 

He's been in country for live sessions and plays us a track in studio. And check out our music page tomorrow for more on Paul Kelly. 

Paul Kelly

Paul Kelly Photo: Daniel Boud

1:15 Men, women, and recycling stigmas

Research suggests that both men and women see environmentally-friendly acts, like recycling, as overtly "feminine" - and that's spurred fears some men aren't recycling because they're worried about how they're perceived.

Mathew Isaac is an associate professor of marketing at the University of Seattle who's researched this topic, and joins us on the line to explain more.

Soft plastic packaging recycling bin

Photo: RNZ / Richard Tindiller

1:25 A deep dive into whakataukī - Māori proverbs

Many ancient cultures passed on lessons and wisdom through oral poetry: using elaborate, refined language to articulate profound or historically important ideas.

Priscilla Wehi is a Landcare conservation biologist who's part of an interdisciplinary team looking at whakatauki and their relationship to the extinction of moa and other species.

Coastal Moa specimen from Te Papa

Coastal Moa specimen from Te Papa Photo: CC BY NC ND Te Papa (S.044281)

1:35 The risk of coastal flooding for our beautiful wee island

As global temperatures rise, so do sea levels - and that's bad news for little old island countries in the south-pacific surrounded by the ocean like New Zealand.

Neville Peat is a journalist and writer who's written a book - The Invading Sea - on this very topic, and joins us to discuss it

Sea level rise Marsden Point

'Marslantis'—Marsden Point as it might look with a 10-metre sea-level rise Photo: Supplied

1:40 Great album

2:10 Podcast Critic - Katy Atkin

Katy reviews Grove Road from Newshub and The Dream by Little Everywhere and Stitcher

2:20 Solving the World's Problems

Stuff's Business Editor Rebecca Stevenson looks at predatory lenders, following the Government's decision to crack down on loan sharks and truck shops. 

2:35 History: Grant Morris

Brett Kavanaugh has just been confirmed as the newest US Supreme Court justice. The fight over his confirmation was bitter and divisive.  

There have been many controversial judicial appointments to the US Supreme Court but what about in New Zealand's history?

Chief Justice Harold Barrowclough when he was a NZ military leader during World War Two

Chief Justice Harold Barrowclough when he was a NZ military leader during World War Two Photo: Supplied /Teara

2:45 The Reading

In times where no one travelled very far from home, music was a ticket guaranteed to take you out of town - That's one attribute of the music of his 1950s childhood that John Bluck recalls in today's episode of 'Nuhaka Dreaming'.

3:10 Short Story Club

Today Kirsten McDougall discusses Anne Kennedy's An Angel Entertains Theatricals It was included in the anthology Some Other Country: New Zealand's Best Short Stories and was originally published in Landfall 172 (1989).

Send your thoughts to

The winner of the best email will get a copy if Anne Kennedy's new novel The Ice Shelf

3:25 Tell me about your thesis

Rebecca Stirnemann is a conservationist for Forest and Bird here in New Zealand but her thesis focus was on endangered birds in the Pacific Island. 

She looked at how the hunting of birds has contributed to biodiversity loss in Samoa. You can check out the children's book she wrote about the findings here

Manumea, also known as the 'tooth-billed pigeon' or 'little dodo'.

Manumea, also known as the 'tooth-billed pigeon' or 'little dodo'. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

3:30 Are We There Yet?

This week RNZ's parenting podcast is about dealing with death. Katy Gosset looks at how to explain death to kids and to help them with the grieving process. You can listen again here

3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day and One Quick Question

4:05 The Panel hosted by Wallace Chapman with Heather Roy and Joe Bennett