RNZ audiences

Live Radio Listening - GfK Survey 1 2024 results

In a typical week in Survey 1 2024, 639,600 New Zealanders aged 10+ listen to RNZ National, and RNZ Concert. This is a slight increase from the last survey (634,800). 

RNZ National’s audience 10+ is 529,800 in a typical week (532,200 in the last survey)  

We saw an increase in RNZ Concert listeners in Survey 1 2024. In a typical week 184,500 New Zealanders aged 10+ listen to RNZ Concert (174,800 in the last survey)  

Market share remains steady for RNZ in this survey. The total share across RNZ National and Concert is 12.5% (12.6% in the last survey) 

The number of listeners to all radio across Aotearoa is 3,648,100 (3,642,600 in the last survey). Source: GfK Survey 1 2024,                               

Definitions: - Cumulative audience is the number of different listeners to a station over a week. 

*Station share is the percentage of all radio listening that is done to a station over a week; it takes into account the number of people listening and how long they listen. (Station shares cannot be compared with Total NZ - Commercial Survey results, as the commercial share figures are based on commercial radio stations only, whereas the shares reported here are based on listening to all radio stations.)

Source: GfK Radio Audience Measurements, All Radio Stations, Total New Zealand - RNZ - Survey 1/2024, All 10+, Mon-Sun 12mn-12mn, Cume and Share %. Survey 1 2024 is conducted between 11 February and 4 May.

Verian (formerly Kantar Public)- Value Indices survey results 

Verian (formerly Kantar Public) Value Indices survey was conducted between 29 April and 8 May 2024, with a sample of 1,500 New Zealanders aged 18 or over. 

It showed that 74% of New Zealanders agree it’s important to have a public service broadcaster, a 5 percentage point increase from when we last surveyed in 2023. 

New Zealanders are also more aware of RNZ, with 84% aware of the organisation, up from 79% in 2023.  And there was an increase in trust in RNZ, from 44% last year to 47% this year.  

More New Zealanders agree that RNZ provides a valuable service, increasing from 54% to 61% - the highest agreement to that question since the survey in its current form began in 2018. There were also small increases in all the questions we asked around RNZ’s content.  

Podcast Audiences

Between January to March 2024 we saw 6,667,330 downloads on RNZ and external podcast platforms.

Online Audiences

RNZ’s digital audience continues to build, with a 1.2 million audience for rnz.co.nz in March, contributing to a digital audience increase overall of 52% year-on-year (April 2023 to April 2024).  


2023 PANZ Book Design Awards

  • The RNZ Cookbook was released in November 2022 and has been named a finalist in two categories - Best Cookbook and Best Typography. The winners will be announced in a ceremony on 21 September.
Voyager Media Awards
  • Best original podcast – ongoing/episodic - The Detail (Joint winner with Between Two Beers) Newsroom and RNZ.
  • Le Mana Pacific Award - Lydia Lewis
  • Best reporting – environment - Farah Hancock
  • Feature Writer of the Year (short-form) - Guyon Espiner

All awards


Statement of Performance

Please refer to our Annual Report 2022/2023 for our Statement of Performance for the year ended 30 June 2023.

Trust in News Report

Two independent reports* highlight the value of RNZ as an independent, non-commercial media organisation.

In a time when trust in media is trending down, these results are a reminder of the importance of strong, independent public media.

* Myllylahti, M. & Treadwell, G. (2024). Trust in news in Aotearoa New Zealand 2024. AUT research centre for Journalism, Media and Democracy (JMAD). Value Indices (2023) Kantar Public commissioned by RNZ.

Here is the Trust in News in New Zealand 2024 report.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why does RNZ carry out research?

It is important for RNZ to know how many people are using its services and how well they think RNZ performs against its Charter.

RNZ is a tax-payer funded public service broadcaster established under the Radio New Zealand Act.  RNZ’s Charter clearly defines the objectives to be achieved and services to be provided by the broadcaster. For example the Charter requires RNZ to commission research among a representative selection of the general public. Each year radio surveys are carried out among New Zealanders.

How are the radio surveys conducted?

In 2016 RNZ and the commercial stations came together to use one system for radio measurement in New Zealand. The Radio Broadcasters Association (RBA) has commissioned the research company GfK to run radio audience measurements in New Zealand from 2016 for five years. 

The surveys run for much of the year, and the people surveyed reflect the population distribution based on the latest Statistics New Zealand information.

Results are at various levels, for example Total New Zealand for nationwide coverage, as well as results for the three main metropolitan cities.

Respondents complete a Radio Diary (hard copy or online) in which they record their radio listening in any given quarter hour over the period of a week. They are also asked demographic questions and other questions about their media habits.

Much of the resulting information appears in Radio New Zealand’s Annual Report.

About Radio New Zealand