A hui of Northland's Te Kotahitanga o Ngā Hapū Ngāpuhi today is likely to hear a recommendation that Ngāpuhi's treaty negotiations be put on hold.
Ngāpuhi, which has been represented in treaty negotiations until now by Tūhoronuku, is made up of over 100 hapū. Photo: Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand
The group is expected to discuss a Waitangi Tribunal report that found serious flaws in the mandate of the Tūhoronuku Independent Mandated Authority to carry out negotiations with the government on behalf of the country's largest iwi.
The tribunal recommended halting the negotiations until the issues were sorted.
It said the government had recognised an empty structure, and the appointment of board members and negotiators had gone ahead when only a minority of hapū were represented.
Rudy Taylor, the co-chair of rival Ngāpuhi faction Te Kotahitanga, said people were uplifted by the tribunal's findings.
He said the Hokianga hapū would put forward a similar recommendation at today's hui.
"That the Minister [of Treaty Negotiations] and Tūhoronuku hold the mandate up until we discuss further issues relating to the report alongside Tūhoronuku."
Mr Taylor said Te Kotahitanga had been pushing to have the voice of hapū heard, and he hoped Tūhoronuku understood they wanted to be inclusive.
He said they had seen a change of approach from Tūhoronuku since the tribunal's report was released.
"We've tried to get Tūhoronuku to meet with us but, because they thought they were in the steering box, they didn't want to meet with us.
"But now, all of a sudden, we are getting flash calls from them saying we need to sit down."
Mr Taylor said Tūhoronuku representatives had attended a meeting last week.