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I mate a hehu, Kua ara a hehu, Ka hoki mai ano a hehu karaiti

Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again

This week’s whakatāuki is explained by Henare Ngaia nō Ngāti Ruanui

Catholics from around the country will gather at Hawera this weekend to celebrate Te Hui Aranga.  Aside from fellowship and worship the four day event is packed with singing, sports competitions and Kapahaka performances. South Taranaki Henare Ngaia has a chat with Justine Murray about this year's programme and what Hui Aranga represents for Māori and non-Māori Catholics.

Correct Māori language words are being reinforced at a government department level through the introduction of a software programme that inputs macrons.  Ministry of Justice representatives David Hudson and Liz Fletcher explain how it works with Maraea Rakuraku.

In an archival segment from 1972, Takapuwahia Marae in Porirua hosts the official powhiri for Hui Aranga. Whetu Tirikatene-Sullivan (1932-2011), Jock McEwen (1912-2010) and Bishop Sneddon (1917- 1981) welcome those gathered.        

Waiata featured:  Po Atarau; Ka Waiata ki a maria performed by Saint Joseph’s Māori Girls College from the album Haere Mai Welcome (1993), Nga Iwi e performed by The Yoots from the album Sing along with The Yoots (2011)