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Kia nguu to hoe i te wai

Move your paddle silently through the water

This week’s whakatāuki is explained by Awhina Twomey nō Ngati Kahungunu, Ngāti Raukawa ki te tonga

During Awhina Twomey’s pōwhiri when she first joined Whanganui Regional Museum in 2009 (as Kaitiaki Tāonga Māori) she directed part of her kōrero to the tāonga she was now charged with caring for.  She introduced herself explaining why she was there and asked that the relationship be reciprocal i.e they (the Tāonga) look after her as well. When Maraea Rakuraku tours the exhibits that, include traditional traps used to capture fish and birds, descriptions of Korowai and interactive Tāonga Pūoro displays – it becomes apparent the relationship has indeed fulfilled that initial request.  

Rim D Paul cut his teeth singing as a kid growing up in Rotorua during the 1950s and 1960s at ‘Hall Dances’ before making his way across the ditch to perform as lead vocalist with the Māori Show band, The Quintikis. In the early 1990’s he moved into choral singing founding the National Māori Choir.  This year the choir reformed as the Aotearoa National Māori Choir and collaborating with The Yoots debuted at WOMAD, Taranaki. Justine Murray catches up with Rim De Paul and The Yoots at rehearsals.

Rim De Paul and Taungaroa Emile.

Rehearsing with The Yoots.

Check out Chris Bourke's Musical Chairs programme on Rim D.Paul.

Waiata featured:    E papa waiari and Nga iwi e performed by The Yoots and Rim De Paul, Pupu ake mai performed by The Yoots from the album Sing Along with the Yoots (2011), I will be home again performed by The Māori Quintikis (1996) Poi e as performed by The Yoots and the Aotearoa National Māori Choir (Live WOMAD performance 17 March 2013)