7 Nov 2021

Music editor Stephen Gallagher

From Standing Room Only, 1:31 pm on 7 November 2021
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Photo: RNZ / Richard Tindiller

Swedish record label Moviescore Media has just released the original score for a short documentary about endangered elephants called  Kimana Tuskers.  The score was composed and produced by film and music legend - and Peter Jackson's go-to music editor - Stephen Gallagher.   

Stephen's worked on everything from blockbusters like The Hobbit trilogy, Lovely Bones and District Nine to - well, little films about the last remaining large tusker elephants as they pass through a wildlife corridor in Kenya.

Among his many fans are Eno - "such sensitive ears", said Brian - and Hollywood composer Conrad Pope - "one of the most humble yet tremendously gifted composers...  to call him a colleague honours me, not him"!

Stephen Gallagher talks about his life and times with Yadana Saw.