Sounds Historical for Sunday 28 October 2012
8:11 Today in New Zealand History
Five hundred Chinese Coffins - 28 October 1902 3'31"
8:16 Somebody Loves Me
Enrico Gray CD Stebbing Zodiac Zodiac 004 3'07"
8:20 Homework
8:24 Under the Clock
A 1950s documentary about the operations of the Post Office in Wellington and Alexandra. 35'47"
9:08 As I Remember - Bedpans and Blood Tests - Part Two
Written by Lorraine Wilson of Blockhouse Bay, Auckland, read by Rebecca Blundell. 7'16"
9:17 Shine Through My Dreams (Novello)
North Shore Ladies Choir Tk 15 3'21"
9:21 Homework
9:25 Wilson Whineray,
All Black captain who died during the week, recalls his early rugby career in conversation with Peter Sellers. 9'04"
9:34 Scotland Forever (Shackleton)
Roger Wilson, Charles Wilson and Grant Tilly (narrator). Ernest Shackleton describes the 1907-09 expedition.
Book of the Week
Shackleton's Whisky by Neville Peat.
Random House
ISBN 978 1 86979 946 5