09:05 What will Auckland's future workforce look like?

Construction jobs in Auckland city are set to grow by 70 per cent, or around 56,000, over the next decade. That's finding of new research commissioned by Auckland Council's economic development arm ATEED as part of its Future Skills report into how technology will change the city's workforce and skills requirements. Professional services jobs, including accounting, legal, engineering and management consulting, are forecast to grow by 28 per cent or 31,000 jobs. Previous research prepared for the Council has indicated 270,000 jobs in the city will be changed by automation. So where are those changes likely to be? Kathryn asks Pam Ford, general manager for economic development at ATEED.


09:20 Parliament must hold short-term thinking govts to account: report  

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Photo: VNP / Phil Smith

A new report finds governments are prone to short term thinking, and parliamentary scrutiny of government performance is limited, unsystematic and reactive. The report, by Victoria University's Institute for Governance and Policy Studies and staff of the Office of the Clerk, was based on interviews with a range of respondents, including current and former MPs, who variously described of  parliament's oversight as "broken", "weak", "inadequate" and "patchy".  Kathryn speaks with co-author and Professor of Public Policy, Jonathan Boston.

09:45 Media raids challenge, building cracks and Folau fundraising

Australia correspondent Karen Middleton reports on the decision by ABC and News Corp to mount legal challenges related to the police raids earlier this month, nervousness by new apartment residents around the country after a Sydney building started sinking, Israel Folau's new fundraising success and a string of new Australian sporting successes by women.

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Photo: AFP

10:05 Superbugs. A doctor's fight against antibiotic-resistance

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Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Our anti-biotics are starting to fail us - with some predictions that in the next quarter of a century there could be more deaths from super bugs than heart disease or cancer. Dr. Matt McCarthy is an infectious disease doctor at Weill Cornell Medical College, a staff physician at New York Presbyterian Hospital, and the author of "Superbugs: The Race To Stop An Epidemic." He's also got first hand knowledge of the hoops you have to go through to get new drugs approved.

10:35 Book review - Promise Me You'll Shoot Yourself

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Photo: Text Publishing

David Hill reviews Promise Me You'll Shoot Yourself: The Mass Suicide of Ordinary Germans in 1945 by Florian Huber, which is published by Text Publishing.

10:45 The Reading

Saturday Market in Gondar a short story by Alie Benge told by Hannah Banks.  The third in a series of short stories from the collection 'Page Numbers 2019' - new writing from the MA Course at International Institute of Modern Letters at Victoria University.


11:05 Songs that resonate

Music reviewer Graeme Downes looks at why some songs mean so much to us. He's been testing this with his songwriting students, with some surprising results. He touches on 'Both Sides Now', by Joni Mitchell, 'What's Going On' by Marvin Gaye and Nina Simone's 'Feeling Good'.


11:20 Teaching design, preparing students for jobs which don't exist yet

Deb Polson -design

Deb Polson -design Photo: Deb Polson

Design has undergone huge innovation and change in recent times, and next year the University of Auckland is offering a Bachelor of Design, and a Masters programme geared towards equipping young people for jobs that may not exist yet. Deb Polson is the head of the new Design School, which is under the University's Creative Arts and Industries umbrella. She is a senior academic who has taught in Australia and China and she's also an independent designer. Dr Polson says the new degree is changing the ways design is taught, with collaboration and sustainablity key elements of the course.

11:45 What legal protections are there for Kiwi journalists?

In the wake of the so-called 'police raids' on the home of Australian journalist Annika Smethurst and the ABC, Professor Ursula Cheer of Canterbury University looks at what happens here in New Zealand. She'll tell Kathryn about an important recent decision from the Court of Appeal which illustrates appropriate concern and understanding of the significant role media play.

09082016. Photo Rebekah Parsons-King. Pike River families want mine's CEO to face charges. Court of Appeal Wellington.

Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King