Nine To Noon for Wednesday 21 December 2016
09:05 Police target seatbelts, drink driving and speed
As kiwis hit the roads this summer, the police say they'll be targetting seatbelts, drink driving and speed. Kathryn Ryan talks with Otago Lakes road policing manager Senior Sergeant Glenn Wilkinson.
09:15 Coping with an increased risk of quakes
GNS Principal Scientist, Dr Kelvin Berryman talks to Kathryn Ryan about what it means to be living in a period of heightened seismicity & lessons we're learning from Kaikoura.
09:30 Brothers making mayoral history
Kathryn Ryan talks with Bryan and Tim Cadogan who made history in this year's local body elections when they each won the mayoralty in neighbouring districts: Clutha and Central Otago.
09:45 Australia correspondent Karen Middleton
How the mid-year budget update has plunged yet another dagger into the political heart of Tony Abbott.
10:05 Michael Lewis: The Undoing Project
Kathryn talks with US non-fiction writer Michael Lewis, about his latest book The Undoing Project. Lewis is the author of 14 books including the global best selling Flash Boys, The Big Short and Moneyball, the story of a maverick outsider who beat the system. His latest book explores the professional and personal relationship between the behavioral psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky whose work shed new light on how humans make decisions when faced with risk and uncertainty.
10:35 NZ Books Review - "Keel & Drift" by Adrienne Jansen
Reviewed by Harry Ricketts, published by Landing Press.
10:45 The Reading
Flight, a short story by Karen Goa, read by Dra McKay.
11:05 Marty Duda's faves
Marty Duda ends the year with musical favourites he's produced.
11:20 Racing the Boys: the story of Granny MacDonald
Author Jaqueline Dinan talks to Kathryn Ryan about the swearing, smoking, drinking horse trainer from Hawkes Bay -who became the first woman to win the Melbourne Cup - Granny MacDonald
11:45 Legal commentator Anne Stevens
Criminal lawyer Anne Stevens talks about the legal implications of a new plan by the police to monitor the sewerage system in Auckland and Christchurch for traces of drugs.