Nights for Thursday 5 September 2019
7:12 Cultural Ambassador - The Built Environment
Making her debut appearance tonight, our cultural ambassador for the build environment, Rebecca Kiddle from Victoria University's School of Architecture joins us to talk about Third Spaces.
Photo: No machine-readable author provided. Joanjoc~commonswiki assumed (based on copyright claims). [Public domain]
7:35 New Horizons
This week's New Horizons is a Boss Bonanza … you'll hear Bruce Sprinsteen on the screen, on the Broadway stage, and in a brand new studio album.
Photo: Netflix
8:10 Going West Festival
We talk to festival organiser, Mark Easterbrook about what West Auckland can expect from this year's Going West Festival.
Going West Photo: Supplied
8:15 Dateline Pacific
Photo: RNZ
RNZ Pacific's daily current affairs programme covering the major Pacific stories of the week, with background and reaction from the people making the news.
8:30 Window on the World
Brazil's party capital, Rio de Janeiro, is witnessing a killing spree. Nothing new there, you might think - it's long suffered from violent crime. Yet in this case, it's the police who stand accused of perpetrating much of the bloodshed. The city's impoverished informal townships - known as favelas - are home to criminal gangs with whom security forces are doing battle on a daily basis, using armoured vehicles, high velocity firearms and even helicopter gunships.
9:07 Our Changing World
This week on Our Changing World, Alison Ballance heads to the National Algae Centre at the Cawthron Institute to find out about toxic cyanobacteria.
Master's student Rossella Nicolai is using a fluoresence microscope to study cyanobacteria. Photo: RNZ / Alison Ballance
9:30 Overseas Correspondent - Hong Kong
William Yang usually comes to us from Taipei in Taiwan, but he's been in Hong Kong for the last week watching things unfold there.
William Yang outside Hong Kong government HQ. Photo: Supplied by William Yang
10:17 Lately
Photo: RNZ
Lately with Karyn Hay is a late night radio show on RNZ National, with an eye on live events, an ear for music, a great sense of humour and a genuine interest in people and their stories.
11:07 Music 101 pocket edition
On this week's Pocket Edition we host a live session with Tom Walker, catch up with Angus Stone, and visit Going Global Music Summit.
Angus Stone Photo: supplied