7:07 Sonic Tonic - Soft.

What's your favourite soft toy?

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Photo: Acidburn24m at English Wikipedia [Public domain]

8:10 Element of the Week

To mark 2019 as the year of the Periodic Table, RNZ Nights has teamed up with the MacDiarmid Institute to bring you Element of The Week.

Tonight, Franck Natali, MacDiarmid Principal Investigator and Senior Lecturer in the School of Chemical and Physical Sciences at Victoria University of Wellington introduces us to the element Indium and the reason for tonight's sonic tonic dedicated to soft.

8:15 Dateline Pacific

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Photo: RNZ

RNZ Pacific's daily current affairs programme covering the major Pacific stories of the week, with background and reaction from the people making the news.

8:30 Friday Night Live

In Friday Night Live we join local living legends The Exponents for a spirited performance of well-loved hits at The Powerstation in November 2013.

Exponents Live at the Powerstation by Andre Upston RNZ

Exponents Live at the Powerstation by Andre Upston RNZ Photo: RNZ/Supplied?

9:07 Country Life 

How do you get teenagers interested in a career in agriculture, especially townies? High school students are getting a taste of the farming life with tutor Joe Steventon who heads out daily to schools around the lower North Island, rounding up kids and taking them out to the countryside where they find out what's involved in working the land.

Tutor Joe Steventon goes over how to handle the stock safely before they bring the bulls in to be weighed

Tutor Joe Steventon goes over how to handle the stock safely before they bring the bulls in to be weighed Photo: RNZ/Sally Round

10:17 Lately

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Photo: RNZ

Lately with Karyn Hay is a late night radio show on RNZ National, with an eye on live events, an ear for music, a great sense of humour and a genuine interest in people and their stories.

11:07 The Mixtape

Writer, Comedian, and snap chat dude Tom Sainsbury compile his favourite songs, and takes Music 101 Pressenter Charlotte Ryan through his selections.

Tom Sainsbury & Charlotte Ryan

Tom Sainsbury & Charlotte Ryan Photo: Carla Tod