7:12 The Royal Ballets' Hamish McKeich

Conductor Hamish McKeich, he'll be talking about an upcoming show, you might know it - Romeo and Juliet. 

7:30 The Sampler

Kiwi young gun Filipe Manu has scooped the pool at the Australian Singing Competition, winning the Marianne Mathy Scholarship, and the Audience Prize. The twenty-four year old Auckland tenor receives the Mathy Scholarship worth $30,000 and a scholarship to attend the International Vocal Arts Institute New York after receiving the most votes on the night to win the Audience Prize as well.

8:12 Nights' Pundit - Right Thinking 

Eric Crampton is on to talk the rationales of individual freedom and personal responsibility, Eric is the head of research at The New Zealand Initiative.

8:30 Window on the World

Noreen Shams Khan visits different corners of Karachi to met young people who typify citizen-led initiatives that are reclaiming the city's pride and public spaces from warring gangs, terrorists and criminals.

9:07 Tuesday Feature

This year's BBC Reith lecture series has the award-winning novelist Dame Hilary Mantel discussing the role that history plays in our lives. And in today's fourth lecture, Hilary analyses how historical fiction can make the past come to life. She says her task is to take history out of the archive and relocate it in a body. " to put the reader in the moment, even if the moment is 500 years ago." She takes apart the practical job of resurrection, and the process that gets historical fiction on to the page.

10:17 Late Edition

A roundup of today's RNZ News and feature interviews as well as Dateline Pacific from RNZ International.

11:07 Worlds of Music

Trevor Reekie hosts a weekly music programme celebrating an eclectic mix of 'world' music, fusion and folk roots. Tonight,