NIGHTS on Radio New Zealand National 
skipper. Bryan Crump & navigator. Robyn Rockgirl Walker

Thursday rundown...

why are more people begging on the streets of New Zealand, and how should we respond both personally, and as a community - with Dame Diane Robertson from the Auckland City Mission, former youth worker (now coffee bar owner who aims to train young people) Scottie Reeve, and Christchurch City Councillor Paul Longsdale...

7:35pm At the Movies with Simon Morris

8:12pm Windows on the World (international public radio documentaries) - Macau: Monte Carlo of the Orient

8:43pm NIGHTS Cultural Ambassadors
roster: Kate Mead (Contemporary Classical Music); Adrian Kinnaird (Comics & Graphic Novels); Miles Buckingham (Jamaican Music); Cliff Fell (Poetry); Kirsten Zemke (Hip Hop); Andrew Todd (Video Games); Fergus Barrowman (Jazz); Leilani Unasa (Pasifika); Paul Berrington (Electronic Music); & Chris Jannides (Dance)

body movements, usually to music - with Chris Jannides, Toi Whakaari movement tutor and founding dancer, choreographer and artistic director of Limbs Dance Company... one of the most significant choreographers of our time, the late Pina Bausch - her company will be the star dance attraction at the NZ International Arts Festival next year...

8:59pm NIGHTS conundrum clue 7

9:07pm Our Changing World

9:59pm NIGHTS conundrum clue 8

10:17pm Late Edition (a round up of today's Radio New Zealand news and feature interviews as well as Date Line Pacific from RNZ International)

11:07pm Eleventh Hour Music: Music 101 pocket edition with Emma Smith

... nights' time is the right time...