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Morning Report for Wednesday 19 September 2018
Top Stories for Wednesday 19 September 2018
6:00 AM.An Auckland mother takes her disabled son to court, National questions the value of the new Office for Maori Crown Relations. We'll talk to the minister in charge, Kelvin Davis, in the next hour… Read more Audio
Sports News for 19 September 2018
6:06 AM.The Silver Ferns coach Noeline Taurua is pleased her side responded well to the weekend's thumping from England to secure a comprehensive 61 to 37 win over South Africa in their Netball Quad Series… Read more Audio
Curran's emails to Derek Handley to be revealed
6:10 AM.State Services Minister Chris Hipkins is expected to turn up to Parliament on Wednesday afternoon with copies of former Minister Clare Curran's personal emails to technology entrepreneur Derek… Read more Audio
Moscow blames Israel after Syria shoots down Russian plane
6:13 AM.A Russian millitary aircraft with fifteen people on board has been accidentally shot-down by Syrian defence forces which were trying to target Israeli warplanes. The incident prompted a swift reaction… Read more Audio
Kavanaugh and accuser Blasey Ford testify before Senate
6:17 AM.Donald Trump's supreme court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, and the woman accusing him of sexual assault will both testify on Tuesday next week. (NZ time). Christine Blasey Ford alleges Mr Brett Kavanaugh… Read more Audio
Early Business News for 19 September 2018
6:20 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Court action 'only way to get change' - Diane Moody
6:40 AM.An elderly Auckland woman who is taking her severely disabled son to court says she has been left with no other option. Diane Moody wants the Employment Court to declare that Shane Chamberlain is not… Read more Audio
Māori-Crown Relations agency finally established
6:42 AM.After 11 months in the job, the Māori-Crown Relations Minister Kelvin Davis finally has an agency. The Office for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti will sit within the Justice Ministry, but its chief… Read more Audio
Cows possibly killed after entering 1080 drop area - farmers
6:45 AM.A farming couple who suspect eight of their cows were killed by 1080 say it's possible the animals got through a gate and grazed in the area where the poison was dropped. The Department of… Read more Audio
Business News for 19 September 2018
6:49 AM.Bank profits rebound in second quarter on loan growth and lower costs. China and US swap trade sanctions. Kathmandu eyes North America for growth. Catch up on world money markets. Audio
Sports News for 19 September 2018
7:06 AM.Silver Ferns midcourter says their loss to England on Saturday was a wake up call and the adjustments made in the 61 to 37 win over South Africa was a sign of the team's buy in to coach Noeline… Read more Audio
Court action 'only way to get change' - Diane Moody
7:10 AM.An elderly Auckland mother is taking her severely disabled son to court for failing to be a good employer. Diane Moody wants the Employment Court to declare her son Shane Chamberlain isn't capable of… Read more Audio
Kelvin Davis discusses Māori-Crown Relations agency
7:15 AM.The National Party is questioning the purpose of the new Office for Māori-Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti. The agency was announced on Tuesday and is aimed at ensuring the government meets its Treaty of… Read more Video, Audio
Bowel cancer patients waiting longer for diagnosis
7:20 AM.New figures show many district health boards are falling behind in delivering timely diagnosis for one of the country's major cancer killers. Data released to RNZ News under the Official Information… Read more Audio
NZ women celebrate 125 years of the vote
7:25 AM.New Zealand women won the right to vote 125 years ago - but what work still needs to be done to achieve real gender equality? That's the focus of this year's Suffrage Day, which is asking people to… Read more Audio
Celebrations around NZ for 125 years of women's suffrage
7:30 AM.Celebrations are kicking off around New Zealand on Wednesday morning to mark 125 years since New Zealand women won the right to vote. RNZ reporter Anneke Smith is at the Suffrage Day Sunrise… Read more Audio
Police demand more protection on front lines
7:35 AM.Police officers working the front lines say more needs to be done to protect them in dangerous situations. Officers speaking anonymously to RNZ say they need faster access to their weapons, better… Read more Audio
No hiding online for sexual offenders - Stop Demand
7:40 AM.Child advocacy group Stop Demand is welcoming the prison sentence given to multi-millionaire sexual offender Martin Henry Lawes. The group believes the jail term will act as a deterrent to other… Read more Audio
DOC investigates cow deaths after break-in to 1080 zone
7:45 AM.The Department of Conservation is investigating the deaths of eight cattle near a 1080 pest control operation in Te Kuiti two weeks ago. The farmers whose cows were killed say they agreed to the 1080… Read more Audio
Relief teacher shortage forces drastic measures
7:50 AM.Rural schools have been struggling to find enough relief teachers during the winter flu season with at least one sending students home and others leaving senior classes to work without a teacher… Read more Audio
Sports News for 19 September 2018
8:06 AM.The Swedish tennis umpire who gave a pep talk to Australian Nick Kyrgios during a U.S. Open match this year has been suspended without pay for two weeks. Audio
125 years of women's vote; where is equal pay?
8:10 AM.Today marks 125 years since New Zealand women won the right to vote. Kiwi women have made great strides since that day in 1893 - women have filled the roles of Governor-General, Prime Minister and… Read more Audio
Supplies of preferred antidepressant brand to run out
8:25 AM.Patients paying extra to stay on a brand of antidepressants, after experiencing severe side affects from the switch to a generic brand, are now being told the supply will run out next year. Last year… Read more Audio
Abuser priest should not have been thanked - Bishop
8:28 AM.The Catholic Bishop of Christchurch says his diocese should not have given thanks to God for a child molester. Bishop Paul Martin has released a file on the predator priest Cornelius O'Brien to one of… Read more Audio
Markets Update for 19 September 2018
8:30 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Unions demand bus driver pay boost amid Wellington fiasco
8:30 AM.Union leaders will tell the Greater Wellington Regional Council today the only way to fix the city's shambolic new bus system is by improving pay and conditions for drivers. The new city bus network… Read more Audio
Silver Ferns bounce back with win over Proteas
8:40 AM.New netball coach Noeline Taurua will be heaving a sigh of relief after the Silver Ferns secured a solid 61-37 win over South Africa on Wednesday night. It was Taurua's second game at the helm of the… Read more Audio
Horrific stories revealed of child soldiers in DRC
8:47 AM.Aid agency World Vision has uncovered horrific stories of child soldiers forced to fight in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Children as young as five have joined armed militias engaged in a conflict… Read more Audio
Christchurch business' post-quake battle recognised at awards
8:50 AM.Christchurch businesses' efforts to battle back from the quakes will be recognised at the city's annual business awards tonight. Although the rebuild is ongoing, businesses say the disasters have made… Read more Audio
Kate Sheppard's Christchurch home for sale
8:55 AM.More on the 125th anniversary of women winning the right to vote. The house of Kate Sheppard, the mother of New Zealand's suffrage movement, is up for sale. Her Christchurch home was Operation… Read more Audio
125 years of women's suffrage celebrated at Aotea Square
8:58 AM.To end Morning Report on Suffrage Day, RNZ reporter Anneke Smith talked to some of the women attending the early morning event in Auckland to mark the day. She asked a few why they were up early to… Read more Audio