9:03 PM.Country Life chats to a farmer who's researched how farmers around the world deal with pressure. Also on the programme, one of New Zealand's earliest organic growers invites us into his apple cider… Read moreAudio
9:12 PM.Nuffield Scholar Corrigan Sowman has explored how the pressure that farmers around the world are experiencing affects their decision-making. Read moreAudio
9:23 PM.Cows and dogs as well as people around south east Asia are taking a daily tipple of Kim Baker's organic apple cider vinegar. He is one of New Zealand's earliest organic growers still producing and… Read moreAudio
9:38 PM.Farmers in mid-Canterbury are still trying to get their heads around the scale of damage caused by massive flooding in June. It's been an extremely challenging situation for neighbours Anne-Marie… Read moreAudio