Afternoons for Tuesday 28 March 2023
1:10 First song live with Grace Cummings
Australian folk artist Grace Cummings has been the support act for The Veils while they've been touring Aotearoa.
She's also performing a solo concert at the Wine Cellar for her New Zealand fans.
Grace is in the Auckland studio to play a live first song from her sophomore album, Storm Queen, which is due to be released shortly.
Grace Cummings Photo: supplied
1:15 Predicting natural power to protect New Zealand
New Zealand has a relatively high number of geothermal areas hat can be used to generate energy.
However they also run the risk of becoming unstable in the event of earthquakes or hydrothermal eruptions.
Recently a team at the University of Canterbury was awarded a five-year grant to develop systems that can anticipate geothermal instability.
Post-doctoral fellow Dr Alberto Ardid is on that team, and he's explains to Jesse what they're setting out to achieve.
University of Canterbury Post doctoral fellow Alberto Ardid Photo: supplied
1:25 Welsh 'kiwi' completes his citizenship ceremony in te reo
Iwan Jones has just managed to become a bit of a sensation on Tik Tok after being a New Zealand citizen.
He's an aircraft maintenance engineer from Wales who moved to New Zealand in 2017 with his partner Katie.
Just recently he completed his citizenship ceremony, choosing to use te reo for the entire swearing in.
Katie posted a video of part of the ceremony on TikTok, and it's reached just over 133,000 views.
Iwan talks to Jesse about why he was so passionate about using te reo to become a 'kiwi'.
Projected image at Citizenship ceremony in west Auckland. Photo: RNZ Insight / Philippa Tolley
1:35 First 3D printed concrete building in the Southern Hemisphere completed in Hamilton
3D printing has come along way in the last few years, to the point where more and more practical applications for the technology are emerging.
On the back of that, the southern hemisphere's first commercial building utilising 3D printed concrete has just been completed in Hamilton.
The building was completed by Iconic Construction using QOROX walls. Company director Nick Lane talks to Jesse.
The first 3D printed concrete commercial building in the southern hemisphere Photo: supplied
1:45 The brain with Hannah Korrel
This week neuropsychologist Hannah Korrel talks to Jesse about how so-called 'brain training' apps are actually not doing anything for cognitive function.
She says there's a lot of myths around the online tools claiming to help with memory, processing speed and attention, but they actually don't do what they claim.
Hannah also has some tips for what people can do, for free, to actually train your brain and its health!
2:10 Book Critic: Pip Adam
Today Pip talks to Jesse about finding time to read and how she's managed to fit in a few books over the past month despite her busy schedule.
Today she talks about an essay, ChapGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web, by Ted Chiang, Recipes from The Korean Vegan Cookbook by Joanne Lee Molinaro and she's been listening to the New Yorker Fiction Podcast which is a podcast where writers read stories by other writers from the New Yorker archives.
2:20 NZ Film tracks
Today's music feature looks back at the tracks that have become hits after playing in New Zealand films.
Audioculture contents editor Chris Bourke talks to Jesse about the music that made the local films what they became for audiences.
A DVD cover for the original 1981 New Zealand film directed by Geoff Murphy Photo: Amazon
3:10 Self care is not to be found in the 'wellness' industry
Dr Pooja Lakshmin hears it all the time. She treats women with burnout, anxiety and depression who tell her they're suffering because they aren't doing enough "self-care". Dr Lakshimin says we've got self care all wrong. It's not something that can be bought, but it can be taught. She helps women make important decisions about their lives, what's working and what isn't, that focuses on the inside not the outside. Her new book is called "Real Self-Care: A Transformative Program For Redefining Wellness (Crystals, Cleanses and Bubble Baths Not Included.)"
Dr. Pooja Lakshmin Photo: supplied
3:30 Spoken Feature: BBC Witness History
In 1998, Keiko became the first ever killer whale to be released back into the wild after a life of captivity.
Keiko shot to fame as the star of the 1993 Hollywood blockbuster, Free Willy. A multimillion dollar campaign to free
Keiko began following the success of the movie and he was flown back to his native country, Iceland.
Dave Phillips was in charge of making it all happen and has been sharing his memories with Matt Pintus.
Keiko the killer whale Photo:
3:45 The Panel with Sarah Sparks and Alan McElroy